A single, unified API to simplify communication across multiple architectures. Build integrations faster and deliver a unified experience across channels for faster performance, more productivity and greater innovation.
Just integrate and forget the rest of the challenges.
Engineered for reliability
Communication addons
Problem solvers at service
Easy API integration and a simple, HTTP or JSON/XML API enables your App with Text, Voice and Email functionality. Scale quickly, whether it’s a matter of communicating to 10 users or 10 million. Build exactly what you need with flexible APIs.
Searchable logs means you always know what is happening to your messages, while tags make it easy to report on your data and all that via our efficient panel and webhooks.
Track and optimise your SMS campaign and know how your customer is interacting with your messages.
Easily integrate MSG91 APIs for Sending SMS, OTP verification or communicate across channels. Access sample codes in Ruby, Python, PHP, Java and more.
Build real-time communications into your apps in a few minutes and a few lines of code.The SDKs seamlessly connect to MSG91 global infrastructure.
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