Unnati Khushlani, January 8, 2021

6 Tips For Driving More Value With Your Transactional Emails

A marketer’s best friend, transactional emails are typically the most relevant emails you can send to your customers. They reflect what your visitors have actually done – signed up for a new account, purchased, downloaded content, entered a contest...

Transactional emails have 8x more opens & clicks and can generate 6x more revenue. -  Experian

Automated email messages average 70.5% higher open rates & 152% higher click-through rates than marketing messages. – Epsilon Email Institute

Email is 40x more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter. – McKinsey

A transactional email is triggered by customer behaviour such as sign-up, account creation, purchase or customer support contact.

drive more value with transactional emailsDrive More Value With Your Transactional Emails With These 6 Tips

1. Keep it informative

What does your recipient want from these emails? Information regarding the action they have taken on your site or app. You can use these emails to promote, but the sole aim of these emails is to convey the information your customers are looking for.

2. Sound like a human & not automated

The email was created to communicate with one another. If you want your subscribers to engage with your emails, you need to get that robotic tone out.

3. Design for mobile screens

Agreed transactions still happen more often on desktops, but emails are often read on mobiles. Finger-friendly navigation will make your emails interactive for viewers using different screens.

4. Match your brand’s look & feel

Transactional emails are a part of your communication strategy so make sure every transactional email you send reflects your brand identity. Branding your emails will not only make your business recognizable but also help your business stand out in your recipients’ inboxes.

5. Suggest the action customer needs to take

No matter how good your transactional emails are if you don’t include a clear call to action you want your recipient to take, they won’t take any action. Make sure you include a clear CTA in your email.

6. Personalise the experience

Your customers receive transactional emails, frequently, from other businesses too. The only way to differentiate your mailers is to personalize them. Also, personalizing your email copy can result in better click rates.

Send transactional emails that deliver and convert. Try MSG91 For Free.