Meal deals, discounts, coupons and offers are little-necessary-giveaways for any hotel industry. Hence, use of a variety of SMS solutions is extremely advantageous for smooth sailing of such concerns.
Five primary benefits of blending SMS solutions with hotel industry include:
Secondary benefits include:
**a)**Off-season discount rates
Not all hotels remain houseful all days. Off days is an adverse part of a business, especially hotel industries. What you can do to minimize this adversity is let the customers know about off-season discount rates so that little but some customers are drawn towards the offer.
**b)**Booking cancellation
Rather than going through a complicated process of booking cancellation, it would be convenient for customers as well as for the business if booking could be cancelled through a simple SMS. This will result in saving time of both the parties.
**c)**Sending greetings to employees and customers
To maintain good rapport with the staff as well as customers, it is important to stay in touch with them. For that purpose, sending SMS greetings to them on festive occasions can be very helpful.
**d)**Restaurant locator facility
Customers can be informed about the exact route to the restaurant location through restaurant locator facility. This way, customers will not face any sort of inconvenience related to locating the restaurant.
**e)**Sending alerts and coupons through SMS to encourage customer visits
No matter what the price is, customers love receiving discount coupons since they get a feeling of privilege by paying less for something that was priced higher. Various alerts and special discount coupons SMS can be sent to specific customer profiles for encouraging customer visits.
**f)**Special events can be communicated over phone
In case you decide to organize special events in your hotel, customers can be informed about the same through a SMS so that they do not miss the chance to attend the event.
**g)**Communicating new menus and specialties
It is simple to let the customers know about new menus and specialties you have introduced in your hotel/restaurant. Send them bulk messages and let them know about it. They will not only get to try the new menu but they will also give some useful feedback for improvement.
**h)**Table occupancy status
It so happens at times that the customer doesn’t get a table reservation due to full bookings in the restaurant. In such cases, customers can be informed about table occupancy through a SMS so that they do not miss the possibility to dine at your restaurant.
**i)**Run weekly/monthly contests
In order to keep your customers glued to your restaurant, you can run weekly/monthly contests in which people can participate by giving answers to your questions and the winners will get to dine at your restaurant for free of charge. People can be informed about such contests through bulk SMS, and participation is possible through short code SMS service.
**j)**Invitation to people for launch
In case you think of expanding your hotel business by opening another restaurant in the same or other city, you can let your existing customers know about it through a simple SMS. Special promotional SMS’s can be sent to people residing near you newly opened restaurant. This way, customers will keep a track of your new location.
There are many other myriad advantages SMS has to offer to the hotel industry. Above mentioned are only a few major ones from the list. SMS solutions do not only help you in serving your customers, but they play easy on your pockets too.
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