Have you ever given a thought to how much money goes on advertising? How much funds do those hoardings, billboards, pamphlets, and paper discount coupons eat up? Moreover, in spite of using all these, how adversely it is affecting the environment?
If you still haven’t given it a thought, then it’s time to brood over it. On one hand where paper form of advertising causes damage to the tress that are the source of paper you use and delay the delivery of information to your customers, SMS marketing helps you reach your audience in an instant, giving environment well-being a thought.
Benefits of green (SMS) marketing to your business:
1) Instant delivery: you think of spreading the information, and the information is spread! That’s the major benefit of SMS marketing. It offers instant delivery feature, which never causes delay in spreading information.
2) Short and snappy information: nobody likes speeches and orations telling them about the benefits of a product. People prefer short and snappy information having all the possible details. Since SMS’s are often limited to 160 characters, you can send crisp information to your customers without causing spam.
3) Mass reach: with paper form of advertising, there is a possibility that it will not reach masses. But with bulk SMS marketing you can be sure of your information reaching the masses since 3/4th of the globe has access to mobile phones.
4) Cost effective option: bulk SMS can be purchased from SMS providers at cost-effective rates, hence resulting in trimming down unnecessary expenditure.
5) Two-way bulk SMS marketing: with one-way marketing you can only impose the information on customers. Marketing is constructive only when it is two-way rather than one-way, because to keep the customers engaged, it is necessary to get a response from them. For example, radio channels can encourage the listeners to send messages pertaining to their song choice, request for horoscope, thoughts, and much more. This two-way SMS feature will keep the listeners engaged.
6) Choose when people should be reading the SMS: the beauty of bulk SMS is that you can choose the appropriate time when people should be reading the message. Making use of instant delivery feature, you can inform people about anything at a time convenient for them. Suppose, you decide in mid-day to offer discount to your customers on bulk purchases. At that moment, the fastest and economical way to let the customers know about this would be bulk SMS.
Hence, with SMS marketing, you will not only help the environment, but you’ll also help your company by cutting the cost you earlier spent on hoardings, billboards, pamphlets, and other paper advertising forms.
Msg91 helps you go green by offering bulk SMS, voice SMS, long code SMS, and short code SMS at cost-effective options.
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