Knowledge base software is very useful and it also has unique features that sets it apart from similar types of software like Content Management Systems (CMS).
Most CMS software is designed for blogs, ecommerce sites, or company brand sites (think WordPress or Squarespace). These platforms don’t have the functionality required for them to be a self-service or internal knowledge base. They lack advanced Information Architecture and editorial functionality.
The key features of knowledge base software are the front-end experience for customers, and the back-end of the software interface for users. For example, in KnowledgeBase by MSG91 you can collaborate more effectively with other authors through commenting and multiple role permissions.
The front end of your knowledge base is much like a normal website, except with a focus on categories, navigation and documentation formatting.
Here are the main front-end features:
The back-end of your knowledge base should have an editorial workflow, version control, and content organization capabilities.
Here are the main back-end features:
Back-end configuration is how you set up the software for your specific needs.
Here are the main groups of features:
The main differences between knowledge base software and a regular website CMS is the extensive editorial control, organizational capabilities, robust search functionality and formatting for articles.
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