Team MSG91, December 6, 2013

How MSG91 can help you when the wedding bells ring?

At MSG91 we had always talked about business, customer acquisition and all that our tagline says – “Buzz the business.” But today I have thought to give it a personal touch, and therefore wrote “How MSG91 can help you when the wedding bells ring?” So here are my thoughts:


Wedding Bulk SMS


Wedding Bulk SMSWedding Bulk SMS


SMSing can be of great use at the time of wedding. Especially while:


1. Sending invitation

Regardless of time you decide to send invitation to your relatives and friends; there are always a few left whom you cannot reach. Either they are abroad or far away from your current city. In such scenario, SMS services become very handy in sending invitation through either Bulk text SMS or via voice broadcasting, where you can reach mass audience through a single click. You can also use our advance SMS features to send personalized SMS. Example of which is as below:


Dear #name#, you are cordially invited in our wedding at Venue: xyz on Date: xyz. Your blessing is appreciated.


Here, #name# will be replaced by your friend’s name.


2. Sending alerts/reminders

Do you remember all things at one time? Well, forgetfulness might be a case when most of our friends forget about our wedding and you can send them a reminder about scheduling their journey w.r.t. your wedding date.


You can schedule your SMS and MSG91 will deliver your reminder at the specified time and date. This way you can easily schedule reminders in MSG91 as per your functions and become tension free (there are lots of tension while wedding. If you are not not married, take my words for it!)


3. Sending details of functions

Have you set any dress code for your wedding or changing something at last moment and have trouble in conveying your messages to the guest? MSG91 is your solution.


4. Send thank you message for donation and gifts received

As a letter of appreciation, you can send a thank you message to your loved ones for the gifts you have received and for giving their precious time for being attendee.


5. Wedding planning

If you are a wedding planner, you can use our marketing services to promote your services and you can also share the details of marriage with the guests like, their hotel room number, route to reach, etc.


6. Give menu card

In most of the marriages, you get a menu card which can be digitally sent to the guest’s mobile.


7. Make your message your Gate Pass

If you are getting married in any hotel or resort, your invitation message can act as Gate Pass for entry.


Messages are the easiest and the fastest media to connect with your wedding guests. If you have got any thoughts on usage of Messaging in Wedding or Engagement, kindly share them in the comment below, and yes, do not forget to text the newly married couple to wish them a happy life ahead.


Happy messaging 🙂

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