Although email marketing has proved to be longstanding and effective form of marketing, but with the introduction of SMS marketing, more and more users have switched to the latter option. And the switch has anyway been obvious and effectual. SMS marketinghas so much more to offer to the marketers as compared to email marketing in which hardly any entity shows interest these days. If you are not yet convinced, then there are several reasons why you should be using SMS marketing over email marketing.
The beauty of bulk SMS is that its reach and reactions are immediate. Since mobile phones stay with people all the time, there is no faffing about the message reaching the users. The results are almost instant since people will read the message as soon as they will switch on their mobile phones.
**2)**Crisp and convenient
70% Email marketing messages are marked as spam as compared to SMS marketing messages. Since text messages are often limited to 160 characters, the information contained in them is crisp and concise. That reduces the chance of text messages getting marked as spam. SMS marketing is useful also because it can be done at a time convenient for the users as compared to Email marketing which the customers may/may not give attention to.
**3)**Send targeted SMS
Suppose you have introduced a tea brand in your existing product brands, and for marketing purpose you conducted a survey and found out that there are three groups in which the drinkers are divided – tea drinkers, coffee drinkers, and non-tea and coffee drinkers. On the basis of this information, you can send targeted SMS to only tea drinkers group. This targeted SMS marketing will save you some huge advertising cost.
**4)**More flexibility in marketing operations
SMS marketing offers business flexibility in marketing operations since changes can be introduced and applied at anytime of the day. For example, if you decide in mid-day to offer discount to the customers on bulk purchases, in that case, bulk SMS can be sent to the customers conveying the sudden announcement of offer, thereby giving flexibility in marketing operations.
**5)**Brand recognition
Customers would be able to recognize your brand in a better way if they are updated constantly about the product information, discounts, offers, et al. Your brand will have a sense of recognition through SMS marketing as compared to email marketing in which customers may ignore your announcement considering it as just another promotional message.
**6)**Two-way communication
Marketing holds value only when it is done two-way rather than one-way. Two-way marketing encourages customer feedback with the usage of short code and long code SMS service and keeps the customer engaged in the product.
Reasons to use SMS marketing over Email marketing are endless, above are only a few of them explaining why and how SMS marketing is better than email marketing. Not only that, you can use transactional SMS as a means of delivering information to your customers. What could be better?
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