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5 Reasons your Email Reminders Fail

Ample is said and done about how to succeed with email marketing. We try stuff, we experiment. But, some of us are still making the same mistakes and failing.


April 4, 2019

Get Customers Excited About A Product They Cannot See

Selling something that is intangible is totally different than selling a physical product. It becomes more so ever trickier as the services keep changing with every product update and the challenge doesn’t end here.


April 2, 2019

A Journey from SMS to Communication Megacorp

I clearly remember the spring of 2008, when I returned from Dubai completing my MBA. It was the start of the e-business era. And I, just like every other young blood, had an onrush of ideas (actually millions of ‘em). Growing up, I was a tech freak (I still am), who wanted to invent, not knowing how and what, like most of us.


March 26, 2019

What Happened at MWC\'19

End of February always brings an ooze of summer as the biggest event in Mobile world sets in. Lakhs of people, brands, ideas and innovations set feet into this futuristic event, where tech freaks get a dose of the latest business world gossips and a shakeup of what technologies are shaping the future of business.


March 12, 2019

Are You Violating TRAI\xe2\x80\x99s SMS Regulations?

Understanding TRAI regulations for sending business SMS in India. A lot of questions are floating around SMS regulations in India with a lot of vaguish answers. It’s time these questions get addressed and we take it on us.


March 11, 2019

What Is RCS Messaging And Why Your Business Needs It?

The next-gen text messaging protocol, RCS, is set to offer a real change in the messaging experiences for consumers. having a significant impact on texting, image and GIF sharing. With an open, consistent and globally interoperable messaging service, many carriers are planning an upgrade to RCS from SMS.


March 1, 2019

Communication Strategy - Third & Final Part of the Three-Piece Tips to Ace Mobile Messaging.

Simply put, a marketing communication strategy either used by an individual or an organization is a strategy used to convey the communication effectively. It includes a message what you want to convey, a medium the channel you use and the target to whom you want to convey.


January 29, 2019

SMS in Education - Communication best practices for Educational Institutes

Remember days when schools used to send typewriter written letters to notify Parents about their kids’ activities? Go some more years back in time and letters used to be handwritten. Or there used to be Notes in the workbooks (I can talk about this being an 80’s kid). However, in today’s Digital Age, information of any sort is paperless and when everybody from Parents to teachers to even school Kids is always attached to their Smartphones, information is easy to pass on.

January 18, 2019

This Is The Reason You Are Losing your Customers

Do you spend time and money on customer acquisition? How about customer retention? Growing a business is best accomplished by growing the number of customers, but customer acquisition is not the end-all of it.


January 10, 2019

From PHP 5.5 to PHP 7 Migration, Mistakes And Learning

Agreed, as a language, PHP comes with its share of shortcomings, but, the environment indemnifies the flaws and you know how.


January 7, 2019

What Happens At MSG91 Has To Be Shared By MSG91

The year 2018 saw 5 billion people around the world have the ability to send and receive messages via SMS We play only a minuscule role in it.


January 5, 2019

This Is How An SMS Added More Value To Me As A Customer

Hi, I’m Jerine, a busy, mostly calm and a well-behaved customer.*Today, I’m going to spill out what kind of communication makes a real difference to me and What Not.


December 17, 2018

Know The Secrets Behind How To Increase Readership

In this mobile-first age where TV ads are skipped and email inboxes automatically filter out promotions, it’s not surprising that marketers are desperate for a tool that can reliably get user’s attention.


December 4, 2018

The Power User's Guide To SMS Marketing

SMS, the only universal mobile messaging tool, although 25 years old, remarkably simple in comparison, extremely effective as a marketing tool, no other channel can come even close to the reach of SMS marketing services.


November 28, 2018

SMS Marketing For Businesses In The Times Of Automation And Digital Noise

The number of times I see a text and wonder why it was sent to me maybe 1 in 50. This peace of mind – and uncluttered inbox.This fact itself makes texting one of the most feasible communication channels for brands.


November 21, 2018

Is Your CRM Missing Out On Something?

No longer is the price or product a reason for customers to do business with you, today it’s all about customer experience.The competition is not limited but has become more about delivering a great experience. But the important question is how?


November 19, 2018

SMS Marketing - An Expert Email Marketer\'s Guide To Acing SMS As-A-Channel

Learn how SMS marketing can enhance the reach of your email marketing campaign.Despite being an old communication and marketing tool, email still rocks and with best practices email marketing has become more refined and effective.


November 13, 2018

5 Communication Lessons Companies Can Learn From Amazon

The space between the consumers and enterprises is rapidly shrinking, and to be one of the successful companies you need to learn a thing or two from the leaders.


October 30, 2018

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