How to create a Segment in Segmento

You can create a segment in segmento that will filter users based on the attribute values. You can click on the phone book for which you want to create a segment. Once all the contacts of the phonebook are visible you can refer to the below-mentioned steps in order to create a segment: 

Step 1:  Choose the column and give the condition on which you wish to filter with its value and click on the Apply button. Use the `+ icon to add more column conditions and the delete icon to remove a condition. The users matching the condition will be visible.  

Step 2: ​If you wish to save that segment for the future, you just have to select the 'create segment' option. Give the name for the segment and click on the save button.

How to Launch a campaign in that segment.

You can do this in three ways like you can create a trigger or repeater or can launch the campaign manually for that segment. 

1) Manually 

 You just have to click on the launch campaign tab, near the column settings, and select the campaign you want to send to that segment. 

b. Select the segment, ignore time and campaign from the list of created campaigns in the MSG91 account, and click on the Next button.

Note: You can also perform a Test Run on any of the mobile numbers to see if the message is delivering properly.