
How to add a new team member to the team?
Nov 9, 2024

Free SMS v/s Bulk SMS

Best free SMS services:


Free SMS- These services are used by students and people using SMS services temporarily or just for fun. You can send 50-100 SMS daily through these services.

Best paid SMS service: 


Bulk SMS- These services are used by business organizations for OTP, alerts, and also for promoting their businesses. Through these services, you can send lacs of SMS in a single click.

What is the difference between free and paid SMS services?
Nov 9, 2024

Use Case

Brands launch bulk campaigns and broadcast messages to a large audience using either Call-to-Action (CTA) WhatsApp Ads or WhatsApp marketing templates. To enhance campaign effectiveness, generate leads, or automate workflows, businesses can integrate WhatsApp Chatbots.

The chatbot is triggered based on the specific ad or template the user responds to, ensuring a tailored experience.

WhatsApp templates allow businesses to define variables and pass dynamic values within messages. The chatbot captures these values and stores the template message along with them. These stored values can be used in subsequent chatbot interactions if required.


WhatsApp Template Integration

When a business sends an outbound WhatsApp message, the following variables store campaign-related data:

  • replied_message_variable – Stores mapped variables

  • replied_message – Stores complete message content

  • template_name – Name of the WhatsApp template

  • template_language – Language of the template

  • campaign_name – Name of the campaign

  • campaign_request_id – Unique request ID for the campaign

  • message_uuid – Unique identifier for the message

  • replied_message_type – Type of message replied to

  • template_id – Unique ID of the template

To display these variables in a Send a Message card, enclose them in double curly brackets ({{variable_name}}).
For script-based access, use the format:

For example, if a template contains two placeholders ({{1}} and {{2}}), the bot saves the entire template in the variable replied_message. The variables within the template can be accessed using replied_message_variable.

These stored values can be further used in the bot's flow.

Click-to-WhatsApp (CTW) Ads

For Click-to-WhatsApp (CTW) Ads, the bot receives referral data, which can be retrieved and used in the same format as templates.

Example Referral Object:

"replied_message": [
    "referral": {
      "source_url": "",
      "source_id": "123533385",
      "source_type": "ad",
      "body": "new hello",
      "headline": "gasfgaefawf",
      "media_type": "video",
      "video_url": "",
      "thumbnail_url": "url",
      "ctwa_clid": "lJKVANOvL6J0FCSCEdTcA"
"template_name": null,
"template_language": null,
"campaign_name": null,
"campaign_request_id": null

To fetch source_url, use the following format:

_flow_variable.sourceurl = _flow_variables.replied_message.[0].referral.source_url

To display it in a Send a Message card, simply use:

Storing WhatsApp Template Content, CTWA Ads, and Variable Data Efficiently
Feb 27, 2025

Push SMS

An SMS that is sent (pushed) into the inbox of the customer without her/him opting for it is a Push SMS. It has content like offers, alerts, or announcements for any new launch of the product. These SMS are sent via the Promotional route.

Promotional SMS are Push SMS and cannot be sent on numbers with DND (do not disturb) activated. These SMS could only be sent between 9 AM and 9 PM.

Push SMS is the SMS that you tend to push into the inbox of your customer. In a case where you send Push SMS on DND numbers, they can complain about this to TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India), and you are subjected to consequences if found guilty.

Let’s see this as an example-

The launch SMS that a business sends to the people (including those who have not subscribed to the services) via a promotional route is a Push SMS.

Pull SMS

An SMS that is sent upon users’ subscription (pulled by the customer) is a Pull SMS. It generally has updates, information, and alerts that the user asks for. A Pull SMS is sent via the Transactional route and can be sent on DND numbers, round the clock 24*7.

These are the SMS that the user tends to pull into the inbox of your customer. In the case of DND numbers where you send Pull SMS on DND numbers, the SMS is sent to them and unlike Push SMS the users do not complain to TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) as they subscribe to the service themselves.

Let’s see this as an example-

The after-sales delivery updates and service reminders that the business sends to their customers who have bought their product and hence subscribed for the services via transactional route is a pull SMS.

Push vs Pull SMS

The direction of SMS:

  • Push SMS: SMS is directed from the business to the customer’s inbox by the business

  • Pull SMS: SMS is directed into the customer’s inbox by customers

SMS Route:

  • Push SMS: SMS are sent via Promotional route

  • Pull SMS: SMS are sent via Transactional route

For DND Numbers:

  • Push SMS: Cannot send SMS to DND numbers, if sent then might face consequences upon customer’s complaint to TRAI

  • Pull SMS: Can send SMS to DND numbers

What is the difference between Push SMS and Pull SMS?
Nov 9, 2024
Can I get an SMS alert daily informing me about the available and used balance in my account?
Nov 9, 2024

For any custom SMS solution, you can write us a mail at [email protected] with your complete requirement.

You can let us know how you want to use these services, and if possible we will develop this solution for you.

How to request any custom SMS solution?
Nov 9, 2024

A CORS error (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing error) occurs when you're trying to make a request from one website (or domain) to another website, and the browser blocks the request for security reasons.

Why CORS Error Occurs -
​CORS errors occur when a web page tries to access data or resources from a different domain, and the server of that domain hasn't granted permission for the request by including the appropriate CORS headers in its response. This security mechanism helps prevent unauthorized access and protects users' data and privacy.

Also, you can refer to these links for more:

Nov 9, 2024

If you have Registered Customers who have given you consent to sending Promotional SMS then provide us the below documents -

  1. Please provide us with a screenshot of your Sender ID approval status under DLT.

  2. And sample registration documents of any 4-5 customers in any of the below formats -

  • Snapshot of CRM/software, if maintained

  • Snapshot of MySQL/ database, if maintained

  • In the case of offline documentation, please share the registration form filled out by your customers.

Kindly share the details at [email protected] for processing.

Note: We do not accept the data maintained in excel or spreadsheets. Also, share your organization's Pan card and GST for KYC purposes.

P.S. - In case of any UCC complaints, you will be liable to share OPT-IN (customer registration details, not older than 6 months) within 24 hours of time.

NOTE: If sent without a country code, submission and deduction depend on the detected country based on the starting number: For, 91xxxxxxxxxx, etc

Promotional SMS to Customers
Jan 21, 2025

Enabling IP Security in your MSG91 account helps you to have a track of API calls from whitelisted IPs only. When there is an API hit, we’ll match the connecting IP against this list to allow or deny access. With this feature, even if your API is discovered or stolen, only your servers will be able to use it.

Isn't this super easy to set it up, we highly recommend you to use this feature.

For Cloud service users, where IPs are dynamically allocated on new instance creation,  we have got you covered. Here is the list of major cloud service providers' authorized solutions for associating a fixed IP to the instance.

Cloud Service Providers


Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

Amazon EC2 [Elastic Compute Cloud]

AWS Instances with Pool of Instances/ Dynamic Instances

GCP [Google Cloud Platform]


Digital Ocean


Static IP Resolution on Various Cloud Providers
Nov 9, 2024


Credits are the number of sms you currently have in your account. When you send an SMS, your credits get deducted accordingly. Credit Deduction refers to the number of credits deducted from your balance for sending the message.

When you send an SMS in English the credit limit is 150-160 characters whereas in the Unicode option i.e. when you send SMS in other languages, the limit is 55-70 characters.

 You will be able to see the credits consumed by your content on the top right corner of the Text box.


The value for a single credit in English is 160 characters. With the number of characters increasing, the second credit consists of 306 characters, and moving on in this manner the value of credit deduction increases by adding 153 characters in the SMS every time. As the number of characters keeps on increasing the number of credits deducted will also increase.

For English the credit calculation is as below:

160 Characters (Standard SMS) 1 SMS Credit

306 Characters 2 SMS Credit 

459 Characters 3 SMS Credit

612 Characters 4 SMS Credit

765 Characters 5 SMS Credit

For Unicode the credit calculation is as below:

70 Characters (Standard SMS) 1 SMS Credit 

134 Characters (Multi-part SMS) 2 SMS credit 

(2 * 67 characters) 2 SMS Credits / Units-201 Characters (Multi-part SMS) 3 credits

(3 * 67 characters) 3 SMS Credits / Units-268 Characters (Multi-part SMS)

(4 * 67 characters) 4 SMS Credits / Units-335 Characters (Multi-part SMS)

(5 *67 characters) 5 SMS Credits / Units-402 Characters (Multi-part SMS)

(6 * 67 characters) 6 SMS Credits / Units-469 Characters (Multi-part SMS)

You can see the number of credits as well as a deduction in the delivery report of your SMS.

What is the character limit for a single credit in English & Unicode? How is credit calculated?
Nov 11, 2024

To download the mobile application, please go through the below-given links:

How to use the mobile application for sending messages?

1. Open the application and login into your MSG91 account.

2. Select the new Campaign option at the bottom right corner of the screen.

3. Select the Route.

4. Enter the Campaign name, Sender ID, and the mobile number to which you want to send the message, you can also select the Group here and click on Next.

5. Type in the message content and click on the Send option in the top right corner.

6. Check the Preview and click on Confirm; Your message is sent. 

How to sync your phone contacts in your MSG91 account?

1. Open Options (3 dots) from the top right corner.

2. Select Accounts.

3. Choose Sync contacts and wait for a few seconds.

How to download and use MSG91 mobile application?
Nov 9, 2024

Visit the following link and follow the below-mentioned steps to create a Google Group.!creategroup

Here's how you can create a group

  • Go to Google Groups

  • Click the ‘Create Group’ button

  • Fill in the required details

  • Now choose who can join, post, and see topics in your group

  • Add members

Use the Google Group ID as your registered email address and receive notifications on multiple IDs.

How to create a Google Group?
Nov 9, 2024

You May contact our support team Via three options -

1. Chat Support - 

In your MSG91 account click on the Support option from Dashboard, Select Live chat, and type your queries to our support executives for instant response.

2. Email us at [email protected]

The unique ticket will get created and one of our support executives will help you with the resolution via email itself.

3. Schedule a google meet

Refer to our contact us page: and schedule a video g-meet with our technical experts. In g-meet you can share your screen to show the tech expert what the exact issue is and the resolution will be provided in real-time.


  • Scroll down and select any of the 4 events shown (as per your inquiry) 

  • Select the date

  • Select the time available and suitable to you, Click "Confirm"

  • Enter your name, email, and mobile number, add a guest (if any) and add a note regarding your query, it will help our expert prepare for the g-meet prior to the actual meet.

  • A g-meet link will be sent to your provided email address.

How can I contact Support
Nov 9, 2024

MSG91 sends alerts for payment status, low balance, API failure to the secondary email address registered in your MSG91 account. Follow these simple steps to add more email addresses to which these alerts should be sent:

Step 1:  Log in to your MSG91 account. Click on the company name dropdown arrow and select the Settings option.

Step 2:  Click the "Alerts" option in the settings.

Step 3:  The following alerts fall under the Tech and Billing category-

Tech Alerts

Billing Alerts

101 - Missing mobile number

Low Balance

102 - Missing message

Payment status

202 - Invalid mobile number

Subscription renewal Success

203 - Invalid sender ID or DLT Entity ID Missing

Estimated billing amount (renewal)

207 - Invalid authentication key

Subscription Bill

301 - Insufficient balance to send an SMS

Low Voice Balance

311 - When the same SMS content is sent to the same number within 10 seconds. This is a security feature used to avoid multiple deliveries. The first SMS will be delivered and the second will be rejected. The balance will also be deducted only once.

418- IP Whitelisting 

Subscription renewal Failure

Subscription Future upgrade failure 

Whatsapp Prepaid balance auto-recharge failure 

Subscription Expiry email 

Insufficient balance alert 

10% balance remaining 

5% balance remaining 

401 Unauthorised (Email)

403 Forbidden (Email)

422 Invalid Request Body (Email)

500 Internal Server Error (Email)

504 Gateway Timeout (Email)

All WhatsApp Error Code mentioned in this link will be sent.

Enter the email addresses in the Emails section to get the alerts on email.

Note- SMS alerts on mobile numbers will be live soon!

Billing and Tech Alerts
Nov 9, 2024

The charges of any message depend on the number of credits consumed, and the pricing per credit according to the country to which you are sending the message. You can see the price per credit on our pricing page.

Kindly note:

1. All the failed messages are charged.

2. Charges are applicable in case of a failure on the DND number from both promotional and transactional routes. 

3. No charges are applicable on Blacklisted numbers.

NOTE: If sent without a country code, submission and deduction depend on the detected country based on the starting number: For, 91xxxxxxxxxx, etc

What is the charge per SMS? Are failed SMS also charged?
Feb 10, 2025

Steps to Update GST Number

  1. Login to MSG91 Dashboard

  2. Navigate to Company Profile

    • Click on your Company Name at the top left corner of the dashboard

      Screenshot 2025-02-20 215457.png

      From the dropdown, select Company Profile.

  3. Update GST Number

    • In the Billing Details section, find the GST No. field.

    • Enter your valid GST number in the provided text box.

      Screenshot 2025-02-20 215417.png

      4 Save Changes

      • Click on Update Details to save your GST number.

        Documents :

        • GST Certificate With GST number

How to Update Your GST Number in MSG91
Feb 20, 2025