Delivery Report

Everything about Delivery Reports

To export/download the Delivery Reports in MSG91, follow these simple steps:

1. Login into your MSG91 account and select the Reports option.

2. Here you can see the Summary report of all your channels. Select the channel for which you can download the report from the sidebar. Select the date range. A summary with the exact number of messages will be shown for that period. If the data doesn't update, click on the refresh icon at the top right. Click on the Logs button on the top right to export the report.

3. You can select desired fields there like Promotional or Transactional SMS, country or date wise from the Group by dropdown. Once done, click on the Export button.

4. Go to the Download section in the sidebar. You will see the exported reports here. Click on the Download button to download them to your system.

Note- To download previously exported reports, click on the SMS old Exports option at the top right of Download page.

How to export/downlo...

November 9, 2024

To check the Delivery Reports of the messages which you send, follow the below-given steps:

1. Login into your MSG91 account and select the SMS option on the dashboard.

3. Go to the Logs section from the sidebar. Here you can see all the campaigns which you create, with all the related details. You can select the date range and search by the request ID or mobile number along with the country code. Where there are multiple SMS, click on the message status to check the detailed reports of every mobile number, with a pie chart showing the delivery percentage.

Different colors in status have different meanings:

  • Red: Failed

  • Blue: Delivered

  • Yellow: Pending

5. To export the reports, please refer to this article.

Where can I check th...

November 9, 2024

There are various statuses in the Delivery Report, their meanings are as follows:

  1. Submitted- This status is displayed when SMS are submitted to our operator.

  2. Sent/Pending- Sent/Pending status is shown when an SMS is forwarded from our end to the operator but is yet to be delivered to you. If the mobile number is out of network until 4 hours until then the reports will be displayed as Pending.

  3. Delivered- When the messages are received by the user successfully, delivered is displayed.

  4. Failed- A message can fail due to different reasons and stops it from getting delivered.

  5. Blocked number- If a number is blacklisted then the SMS will not be delivered to that number. You can see the blocked number in the section of the Blacklisted number of Phonebook.

  6. NDNC- When sending SMS to DND numbers under the promotional route, it shows the NDNC status as the Promotional route doesn’t allow sending SMS to DND numbers.

What is the meaning ...

November 9, 2024

You can get the report for a specific number by following the below-written steps:

  1. Go to the Logs option in the SMS Panel

  2. Search the number for which you want to receive the report. 

  3. Additionally, you can also search the SMS with the Greater Than and Less Than conditions and filter by SMS Route and Campaign name.

  4. Click on Show Report and you will see the required report.

How can I get a repo...

November 9, 2024

To export/download the Delivery Reports in MSG91, follow these simple steps:

1. Login into your MSG91 account and select the SMS option on the dashboard.

2. Goto the Reports section in the sidebar. Select the Channel, Campaign, and Range for which you want to export the reports. Once you select it, you will be automatically shown the report. Click on the Export button below the chart.

Note: You have to select a particular channel to export the report

3. Select the checkbox for details you wish to have in the report and export them. To automate the report, click on the dropdown of Schedule Trigger and select the interval in which you want the report to automate.

4. Once you click on Export the reports will be sent to your registered email ID, else you can also download the file directly from the Download option under the Exports option. 

Refer to the video link:

How to automate your...

November 9, 2024

Check the reason for the failed API by clicking on the SMS Dashboard. Click on Alert and you will get the error with code and count. 

By clicking on the failed request, you will be redirected to the Failed Logs section. You can directly check from failed logs from the SMS section =>Failed Logs. You can find the Request ID, Date, and Time on which the SMS was sent, Sender ID used, User IP, mobile number to which the SMS was sent, the message which was sent along with the reason why the SMS failed.

You can click here to see all the error codes.

I am unable to see t...

November 9, 2024

A request ID is a unique 24-character alpha-numeric ID that lets us get the full report of the SMS submitted by the user. 

You can find the request ID of any specific message in the Log section of the SMS panel by moving your cursor to the log. 

A typical request ID looks like, 3366666b6168363331353431

What is a request ID...

November 9, 2024

Absent subscriber: Absent subscriber due to the phone being switched off, due to the phone being out of coverage, due to roaming restriction/restricted area.

Absent subscriber (HLR Access Denied: Postponed): Subscriber cannot be reached at the time of broadcast or unknown subscriber. The Home Location Register is a database. It provides routing information for MT (Mobile Terminated) calls and SMS (Short Message Service) 

Absent subscriber (No acknowledgment): Absent subscriber due to the phone being switched off, due to phone out of coverage, due to roaming restriction/restricted area without acknowledgment.

Absent subscriber (Destination resource shortage): The message is rejected because there was no paging response, the IMSI record is marked detached, or the MS is subject to roaming restrictions.

Absent subscriber (SMS delivery postponed): The user's mobile number is not reachable or out of the network coverage area.

Absent subscriber (Destination out of service): Mobile number barred at the carrier end.

Absent subscriber SM: Out of coverage area (or) switched off. The error might be due to the poor network coverage area and the same flag was updated in the HLR.

Note: Important Abbreviations:


Mobile Terminating


Closed User Group


Mobile Subscriber


Home Location Register


Send Routing Information


Visitor Location Register


Forward Short Message


Protocol Data Unit


Serving GPRS Support Node

What is an Absent su...

November 9, 2024

There can be different reasons for the failure of an SMS such as exception time out, message inbox full, or if the number is out of reach.

These are the basic reasons for the failure of an SMS:

  • EXP Abssubs - Subscriber is not available at that time 

  • EXP Memexcd - Inbox memory is full or exceeded 

  • EXP Smstmout - SMS timeout after all retry

  • EXP Nwfail - Network failed

  • Resource Unavailable- The message was aborted by a network peer because of a network protocol error. 

  • ABSENT SUBSCRIBER- Unidentified subscriber, No response from the handset

  • NUMBER TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE- Number out of coverage area/ Switched off

  • CALL BARRED- The recipient cannot receive incoming messages

  • SYSTEM FAILURE- Network or Protocol failure other than the listed. The task cannot be performed because of a problem in another entity. The type of entity or network resource may be indicated by a network resource.

  • HLR/ MSC Timeout- If HLR (Home Location Register) does not get the response from the MSC (Mobile Switching Centre) then there will be a timeout

  • INBOX CAPACITY EXCEEDED- Short message rejected by MS because of no memory capacity to store the messages

  • SUBSCRIBER BUSY FOR MT SMS- Congestion encountered at the visited MSC or the SGSN

  • TELESERVICE NOT PROVISIONED- Recipient MS has no SMS subscription.

  • Services temporarily blocked- Terminated due to mobile subscriber operator (services blocked by the network operator)

  • Message Service Not Supported: This indicates that the mobile subscription associated with this number does not support the short message service (SMS). This means that the requested service, such as SMS, is unavailable or has not been activated for the subscriber's account. Resolving this error usually involves contacting the service provider or network operator to ensure the teleservice is provisioned and activated for the subscriber's account.

  • UNKNOWN SUBSCRIBER- No allocated IMSI or directory number for the mobile subscriber in the HLR

  • ILEGAL SUBSCRIBER- The PLMN has rejected the short message because the MS failed authentication

  • EXPIRED MAXIMUM RETRIES EXCEEDED- All the retries from different operators have been made

    5303- Header not associated with this template
    5304- Template ID not found on DLT
    5307- SMS not Matched with DLT Template

  • SM DELIVERY FAILURE- It can be due to the below-mentioned reasons,

  1. Unknown Service Center Address

  2. Service center congestion

  3. Invalid short message entity address

  • Failed - No specific reason found for non-delivery (after certain attempts by multiple operators)

  • Rejected by Provider - The SMS was rejected by the provider due to the promotional content through the transactional route

  • Equipment Protocol Error - This is a temporary error related to the handset, specifically tied to temporary issues that can be resolved by restarting the device or reinserting the SIM card.

What are the reasons...

November 9, 2024

To export/download the DLT Failed Reports in MSG91, follow these simple steps:

1. Login into your MSG91 account and from your MSG91 Dashboard select the Reports option.

MSG91 Dashboard

2. Here you will see the Summary of all your channels. Select the SMS channel from the sidebar. Select the date range. A summary with the exact number of messages and a graph will be shown for that period. If the data doesn't update, click on the refresh icon at the top right. Click on the Export Logs button on the top right to export the reports.

3. You can select the "Failed DLT" option for the report. In the "Select Fields" dropdown, choose all the options that you want to have in your final report. You can also export them to your email from the Email To option. Once done, click on the Export button.

4. Go to the Download section from the sidebar. You will see the requested reports here. Click on the Download button to download them to your system. Once downloaded, you will have your report in a CSV file that you can view for the details.

How to export the DL...

November 9, 2024