
How to add articles-

1. Goto the All articles section. Here all the articles (Drafts and Published) will be visible. Click on the Add article button on the top left. 

2. Give your article a title at the top of the blank page. Put your content below. Use formatting options as required. On the right of the blank page, there is the Edit tab. 

  • Select the folder for the article from the Folders menu

  • An article slug is the endpoint for that article visible in the link. It will be set as the article name as default.

  • Add the keywords you want the article to be searched by in the Tags field.

3. You can create folders from the Folder section. Click on the + icon to create and the down arrow icon to view folders. 

Give your folder an icon, name, description, slug and click on the Save button.

You can also go inside a folder and add an article in it from there itself.

Autosaving Drafts:

As you craft your masterpiece, rest easy knowing that your work is being autosaved in the draft version. This ensures that no brilliant idea or carefully phrased sentence is lost in the digital abyss.

Publishing Changes:

When you're ready to share your article with the world, look for the "Move to Live" button. This button acts as the gateway to publishing your changes. Click on it, and voilà – your updated article is now live for readers to enjoy.

Version Control:

Mistakes happen, and sometimes you might want to revert to a previous version of your article. No worries! Simply access the version dropdown, where you can select and view previous versions. This feature provides you with the flexibility to review, compare, and choose the version that best suits your vision.

How to Add articles in KnowledgeBase?
Nov 9, 2024

Knowledge Base is a platform that enables companies to create a user-friendly website for hosting informative articles. Its primary purpose is to efficiently provide information to users, with the most common use case being the creation of an FAQ page.

Configuring Your Knowledge Base: 

A Step-by-Step Guide 

To set up your Knowledge Base, follow the comprehensive documentation. HelpDoc

Key Features of Knowledge Base:

  • Add Articles:

    • Users can seamlessly add articles to store and share valuable information with their audience. HelpDoc

  • Add Folders:

    • Enhance organization by creating folders to categorize and structure your articles effectively.

  • Themes:

    • Customize the appearance of your FAQ page by choosing from a variety of themes to match your brand.

  • Redirections:

    • Easily manage changes by adding redirections for old article links, ensuring a smooth user experience. HelpDoc


  • Access previously published versions of articles for reference.

  • Autosave and Draft:

    • Enjoy the convenience of automatic saving, eliminating the need to go live every time. Publish only when your article is complete.

  • Read Count:

    • Keep track of your articles' impact by viewing the read count, allowing your company to gauge the popularity of specific topics.

  • User Feedback:

    • Foster engagement by enabling users to provide feedback through likes, dislikes, and personalized messages, helping you understand their needs better.

  • White Labeling:

    • Establish a consistent brand identity by white-labeling the Knowledge Base URL, seamlessly integrating it with your company's domain.

Follow this article HelpDoc 

         Custom Header Footer:

  • You have the option to make your document or webpage uniquely yours by adding a custom header and footer. This allows you to include personalized information at the top (header) and bottom (footer) of your content, making it more tailored and distinctive to your preferences

                       Follow this article HelpDoc

KB main doc
Nov 9, 2024

Step 1: Select Knowledge Base from MSG91 Dashboard 

Step 2: Configure Your Knowledge Base URL:

1. Navigate to Configurations > Design to get the URL for your Knowledge Base deployment. 

  • You can customize this URL by changing the Company Short Code, it should be unique.

  • Your Company Short Code acts as a unique endpoint to access your articles.

Customize the URL:{{company_short_code}}/{{article_slug}}

2. Deploy on Another Domain(White label):

    You can follow this article for White labeling Knowledge Base. HelpDoc

Configuring Custom Header and Footer :

     You can follow this article for setting up Custom Header and Footer . HelpDoc

  • You can also upload the logo and favicon, and set a color theme for your knowledge base. It will show on your home page i.e.

  • If you have a GTM id, you can enter that and can see the analytics of all your articles.

  • If you are migrating your knowledgebase from some other place to Hello and were using some folder prefix (e.g. or article prefix (e.g., then you can use the same here to maintain your SEO rating.

Once done then the knowledge base can be accessed by adding your website URL plus the endpoint (if any).

Steps to configure Knowledge Base
Nov 9, 2024

The primary use of the knowledge base for a company is to add articles for the help of customers/clients, i.e. as their documentation, FAQ, and help section.

To use the knowledge base, you have to configure it in the settings tab first.

Click here to check the steps required to configure Knowledge Base in the settings tab

Once you configure all the settings required for the knowledge base, you can access it from the main dashboard.

  • Just select the knowledge base section from the dashboard.

  • ​Then fill in the required details that is the Folder icon, the name of the folder, its description, and the slug which is the endpoint of that folder combined with the URL of the knowledge base.  

By default, the name of the folder is taken as a slug, but you can also manually write the slug, but it must be unique as it is part of a URL and a single URL cannot point open two different folders.

  • After creating a folder you can add articles. Click on add new article button and a form will be opened. You have to fill in the title of the article. You can also manually enter the slug but it must be unique.

  • Also, you can write the content of the article which can hold text, images, links, videos, emoticons, and uploaded files. All these features can be implemented by double-clicking on the text area and choosing the required option.

  • After all this, you can add the visibility of the article - unpublished/draft or published. The published article can be seen by the client on the configured URL, but the draft can only be seen by the author on the knowledge base tab of HELLO. The manager can also edit the articles and folders whenever required.

How to access the knowledge base section of hello
Nov 9, 2024

White labelling allows you the flexibility to use various web addresses for your Knowledge Base.

For Example:  Your Knowledge Base will be available on{{company_short_code}}/{{article_slug}}

but if you want it to be present on your own domain also like   then you can follow the given steps:

For Cloudflare:

Open your Cloudflare Account and Select the domain for which you want to use for Knowledge Base. For Example in provided image we will use as our domain

a. ) Configure using subdomain:

    A subdomain is like a separate neighborhood on the internet, adding a specific prefix to your domain for organizing and directing web traffic. 

For Example: If you want to deploy your Knowledge Base on URL , here help is the subdomain.

   Step 1 :  Go to Configurations page of Knowledge Base and select domain tab

Add Your Custom domain including its subdomain

   Step 2: Click DNS, then Records, and add a record.

   A DNS CNAME (Canonical Name) record is used to associate a subdomain with another domain, providing an alias that redirects to the specified domain or host.  

   Step 3: Add Record by filling type name and target

  • Select CNAME as the type

  • In Name fill the subdomain you want to choose

  • Fill in the subdomain and target with the URL from the Configurations page.  

b. ) Configure using endpoint:

An endpoint is like a specific address on the internet, guiding web requests to a designated location or function on a website or server. 

For Example: If you want to deploy your Knowledge Base on

Step 1 :  Go to Configurations page of Knowledge Base and select domain tab

Add Your Custom Domain and Endpoint 

Step 2: Select Worker routes from the main page:


Step 3 : Click Manage Workers:

Cloudflare Workers optimize website performance and security by allowing you to run serverless functions at the DNS level, enabling powerful customization and enhancement of web requests. 

Step 4: Click Create Application:

Cloudflare Workers/application offer serverless edge computing, letting developers execute code globally for faster responses. Enhance website performance, adapt to HTTP requests dynamically, and optimize user experiences effortlessly. 

Step 5: Click Quick edit and to open a worker.js file:

The worker.js file serves as the script where you write code to be executed by Cloudflare Workers. It defines the behavior and tasks your serverless functions will perform at the edge of the network. 

Quick Edit 

Worker JS file

Step 6: Add the provided code into the file, modifying the variables. 

addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  var url = new URL(event.request.url);
  if (url.pathname.startsWith('/{{your_endpoint}}/') ||
 url.pathname === '/{{your_endpoint}}') {

    event.respondWith(handleBlog(event, url));
  } else {

async function handleBlog(event, url) {
  var originUrl = url.toString().replace(
  const response = await fetch(originUrl, event.request);
  return response; }

Variable Reference: 

your_company_short_code: refers to Company Short code configure in MSG91 KB Configurations page

your_custom_domain: refers to your Custom domain

your_endpoint: refers to path after custom domain where you want to publish Knowledge Base . Example :{{endpoint}}


Step 7:Add a route to the Worker in the Worker routes Page pointing to the application/worker you created.

Worker routes associate specific URLs with Cloudflare Workers, determining when and how the serverless code should be executed for enhanced web performance and dynamic content delivery. 


These Steps may vary for other DNS providers, so please check with your DNS provider for support 

White labelling allows you the flexibility to use various web addresses for your Knowledge Base.

For Example:  Your Knowledge Base will be available on{{company_short_code}}/{{article_slug}}

but if you want it to be present on your own domain also like   then you can follow the given steps:

For Cloudflare:

Open your Cloudflare Account and Select the domain for which you want to use for Knowledge Base. For Example in provided image we will use as our domain

a. ) Configure using subdomain:

    A subdomain is like a separate neighborhood on the internet, adding a specific prefix to your domain for organizing and directing web traffic. 

For Example: If you want to deploy your Knowledge Base on URL , here help is the subdomain.

   Step 1 :  Go to Configurations page of Knowledge Base and select domain tab

Add Your Custom domain including its subdomain

   Step 2: Click DNS, then Records, and add a record.

   A DNS CNAME (Canonical Name) record is used to associate a subdomain with another domain, providing an alias that redirects to the specified domain or host.  

   Step 3: Add Record by filling type name and target

  • Select CNAME as the type

  • In Name fill the subdomain you want to choose

  • Fill in the subdomain and target with the URL from the Configurations page.  

b. ) Configure using endpoint:

An endpoint is like a specific address on the internet, guiding web requests to a designated location or function on a website or server. 

For Example: If you want to deploy your Knowledge Base on

Step 1 :  Go to Configurations page of Knowledge Base and select domain tab

Add Your Custom Domain and Endpoint 

Step 2: Select Worker routes from the main page:


Step 3 : Click Manage Workers:

Cloudflare Workers optimize website performance and security by allowing you to run serverless functions at the DNS level, enabling powerful customization and enhancement of web requests. 

Step 4: Click Create Application:

Cloudflare Workers/application offer serverless edge computing, letting developers execute code globally for faster responses. Enhance website performance, adapt to HTTP requests dynamically, and optimize user experiences effortlessly. 

Step 5: Click Quick edit and to open a worker.js file:

The worker.js file serves as the script where you write code to be executed by Cloudflare Workers. It defines the behavior and tasks your serverless functions will perform at the edge of the network. 

Quick Edit 

Worker JS file

Step 6: Add the provided code into the file, modifying the variables. 

addEventListener('fetch', event => {
  var url = new URL(event.request.url);
  if (url.pathname.startsWith('/{{your_endpoint}}/') ||
 url.pathname === '/{{your_endpoint}}') {

    event.respondWith(handleBlog(event, url));
  } else {

async function handleBlog(event, url) {
  var originUrl = url.toString().replace(
  const response = await fetch(originUrl, event.request);
  return response; }

Variable Reference: 

your_company_short_code: refers to Company Short code configure in MSG91 KB Configurations page

your_custom_domain: refers to your Custom domain

your_endpoint: refers to path after custom domain where you want to publish Knowledge Base . Example :{{endpoint}}


Step 7:Add a route to the Worker in the Worker routes Page pointing to the application/worker you created.

Worker routes associate specific URLs with Cloudflare Workers, determining when and how the serverless code should be executed for enhanced web performance and dynamic content delivery. 


These Steps may vary for other DNS providers, so please check with your DNS provider for support 

How to white label your Hello Knowledge Base for branding ?
Nov 9, 2024