Everything about RCS Implementation

Follow the below steps for RCS form registration.

NOTE : RCS users who send messages within India are required to provide their GST and PAN card details.

1. Click on the RCS option from your MSG91 Dashboard.

2. Click on Register Now to do RCS registration. 

Screenshot 2025-01-31 at 12.58.56 PM.png

3. Need some documents for Agent Registration -

- Brand Name : User will see this as the sender in their messaging app (Maximum Limit of 40 Characters)
- Agent Description : This will be the description visible to users below the sender's name in their messaging app (Maximum limit of 100 characters)
- Agent Hero Image : Ensure that it is in the dimensions of 1440x448 pixels with a 45:14 aspect ratio and maximum file size of 360 kB (PNG/JPEG) - Attach file
- Agent Logo : Please ensure that it is in dimension of 224x224 pixels with a maximum file size of 90kB (png/jpeg) - Attach file
- Brand Color (Hex Code) : Hex Code for your brand's primary color
- Phone Number : This will be visible with label to all the end users. (ex - Contact Support)
- Label for Phone Number : Ensure your label is no longer than 25 characters
- Email Address : This will be visible with label to all the end users. (ex - Contact Support)
- Label for Email Address : Ensure your label is no longer than 25 characters
- Website : This will be visible with label to all the end users. (ex - Visit Us)

4. Need some documents for Brand Registration -

- Brand Legal Name : Registered name of your brand that is used for legal and administrative purposes
- Privacy Policy URL : Web link to your brand's official privacy policy document
- Terms & Condition URL : Web link to your brand's terms and conditions document.
- Status of Company : (Proprietor/ HUF/ Partnership Firm/LLP/ Pvt Ltd/ Ltd Co.)
- CIN Number : (In case of Company form of organization)
- Website URL : Official web link of the brand

- Brand Logo Please ensure that it is in the dimensions of 224x224 pixels with a maximum file size of 50 kB (PNG/JPEG). Please leave sufficient space in your image to account for cropping.

- PAN Card Number
- GST Number
- GST Status Valid from - Status Validation starts from this date.
- GST Status Valid to - Status Validation ends at this date.
- Certification of Incorporation / GST certificate : Maximum file size should be 2 MB (PDF)
- Brand Manager Details
POC Name : Person who will serve as a primary point of contact for RCS team for any interactions or communication with your brand.
POC Email Address
POC Mobile Number
POC Department
POC Function / Designation
- How do you obtain opt- in to message users with RCS? Opt-in is critical for approving Brand and Agent Launch. Please write in 1-2 lines how is opt-in obtained.
- What message will be sent when a user decides to opt-out?

5. After your RCS get approved it looks like this -

a. Display Name/Brand Name. : Here put the name, you want to display when a message gets delivered.

b. Description/Brand Description: Here you put the description you want below the brand name. 

c. Color: Here give the brand color so that icon and the selected items are displayed in that specific color only. 

d. Image:

Larger banner image (1440 x 448)*: Here put the background image.

Small logo (224 x 224): Here put the brand logo.

e. Region: Select the region.

f. Primary Phone Number: Provide the primary phone number to be displayed.

g. Label For Primary Phone Number*: Put the name to be displayed for the primary number. 

Note: You can add 2 more numbers.

h. Primary Website, Label for Primary Email: Here you can put the website to be displayed and the name to be displayed, but is completely optional.

i. Primary Email: Email to be displayed.

j. Label for Primary Email: Here is the label to be displayed in the email.

k. Terms of Service: Put the terms and condition page URL from website.

l. Privacy Policy: Put the privacy page URL from website.

m. RCS Use: Select the medium through which you want to use RCS with.

n. Opt-in-URL: Opt-in is critical for approving the agent launch. Provide details for how opt-in is acquired. If opt-in is through a website or an app, provide web address.


o. What actions trigger messages to users? When is the first message sent from the agent to the user? Are messages sent at a consistent date/time, do user actions (such as a purchase) trigger messages, or do external triggers (such as package delivery) trigger messages?

p. What message does the agent send when user opts out? When a user sends the word "STOP", your agent must reply, confirming that the user is opted out and won't receive more messages unless they opt in again. The agent can't send the user additional messages after this. Your agent must recognize “STOP” in English and the equivalent translations in other languages the agent supports.

RCS Form Registration Guide
Nov 8, 2024

Step 1: Go to the MSG91 Dashboard and click on RCS.

Step 2: From the left-hand side panel, click on Templates. Then click on Create Template from the upper right-hand side corner.

​​Step 3: To create a template in 'Calendar Event,' first name the template, then select 'Calendar Event' in the function option. Enter the required values in the available fields, and finally click the 'Save' button.

Step 4: To create a template in 'Carousel,' first name the template, then select 'Carousel' in the function option, enter the values in the card option, click 'Add Button' if you want to include more cards in the template. Select action function for every card and then finally click the 'Save' button.

Step 5: To create a template in 'Dial,' first name the template, then select 'Dial' from the function option. Enter the required values, and once done, click the 'Save' button.

Step 6: To create a template in ‘Media’, first name the template, then select ‘Media’ from the function option. Enter the required values, and once done, click on the ‘Save’ button. 

Step 7: To create a template in ‘Open URL’, first name the template, then select ‘Open URL’ from the action option. Enter the required values, and once done, click on the ‘Save’ button.

Step 8: To create a template in ‘Rich Card’, first name the template, then select ‘Rich Card’ in the function option. Enter the values in the options appearing. Select the action function for the card, fill the details and then finally click on the ‘Save’ button.

Step 9: To create a template in 'Share Location,' first name the template, then select 'Share Location' in the function option. Enter the required values in the options that appear, and finally, click the 'Save' button.

Step 10: To create a template in ‘Suggested Replies’, first name the template, then select ‘Suggested Replies’ in the function option. Enter the values in the options appearing. Select the action function for the card, fill the details and then finally click on the ‘Save’ button.

Step 11: To create a template in 'Text Message,' first name the template, then select 'Text Message' under the function option, enter the values, and finally click the save button.

Step 12: To create a template in ‘View Location’, first name the template, then select ‘View Location’ from the function option, enter the values and finally click on the save button.

RCS Template Creation
Nov 9, 2024

RCS will be delivered to:

  1. Android Users only not for IOS users.

  2. Internet Connection of the user must be on.

  3. Phone must have Google messaging to receive RCS.

Basic Message

The Basic Message within Rich Communication Services (RCS) operates functionally identical to a Short Message Service (SMS) text message. It transmits content solely in plain text format, prioritizing reliable delivery for straightforward communication.

​Single Rich Cards

It is a regular text message with a single, interactive element to grab attention. Add a picture/video/gif , product link, or clickable button to make your message stand out. Rich cards can contain the following items:

  • Image/video

  • Title text

  • Description text

A list of suggested replies and suggested actions (maximum 4) A rich card can contain any or all of the listed items, but a card must contain at least an image, video, or title to be valid.


Best Practices for Rich Card with images

  • Maximum 2MB for standalone image

  • Optimum resolution for media (Rich card Image ) is 1440px x720px

  • Number of characters in Card Description should not exceed 2000 characters. (We recommend 112 characters or below)

  • Number of characters in Card Title should not exceed 80 characters. (We recommend 40 characters or below)

  • Maximum four Suggested Actions (CTAs) allowed. (We recommend 2CTAs per rich card)

Supported Formats

  • For Images: jpeg, jpg, gif, png

  • For videos: mp4, mpeg, mpeg4, webm.

Best practices for Rich Card for Videos

  • Maximum 10MB for standalone video

  • Maximum 40Kb for thumbnails

  • Optimum resolution for media (Video) is 1440px x720px. (Recommended but not mandatory)

  • Optimum resolution for the media's thumbnail is 770x335 px. (Recommended but not mandatory)

  • Number of characters in Card Description should not exceed 2000 characters. (We recommend 112 characters or below)

  • Number of characters in Card Title should not exceed 80 characters. (We recommend 40 characters or below)

  • Maximum four Suggested Actions (CTAs) allowed. (We recommend 2 CTAs per rich card)

Supported Formats

  • For videos: mp4, mpeg, mpeg4, webm

Carousel Teamplate 

The RCS carousel is a horizontally scrollable carousel of up to 10 vertical rich cards. Each card can include the following elements:

 Title text
 Subtitle text 
 Up to 4 buttons (RCS limitations)

RCS Template creation and Best Practices
Dec 11, 2024

This document specifies the general validation of template creation. There may be a possibility that some types of templates and their validation are not supported by vendors. In that case the template may get rejected.

Template names must be between 4 to 20 characters only.


Required Fields: a) text => variable supported. Must be less than 1000 characters.

Calendar Event

Required Fields:

  1. Text =>  variable supported. Must be less than 1000 characters.

  2. Start_time => One variable supported. Must be string and time should be in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ format.

  3. End_time => One variable supported. Must be string and time should be in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ format.

  4. Title => variable supported. Must be less than 100 characters.

  5. Description => variable supported. Must be less than 500 characters.

  6. Text_to_show => Variable supported. Must be less than 25 characters.

Screenshot 2025-03-01 at 6.47.04 PM.png

Number of cards must be between 2 to 10. For each card max sum of replies and action button must be less than 4. Must remove required checks from the replies list and from the action list i.e. card without any button may also be possible,

Required Fields:

  1. Title => variable supported. Must be less than 40 characters.

  2. Description => Variable supported. Must be less than 112 characters.

  3. Replies_list_of_list => length of every string must be less than 25 characters.

  4. Action-list_of_list => Must follow action validation described below.

  5. Image_urls => Image url must be a list of strings. One variable is supported in each card..

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Required Fields:

  1. Dial number => One variable is supported. Must contain digit with combination of + # and * allowed.

  2. Text => Variable supported. Must be less than 1000 characters.

  3. Text to show = > Variable supported. Must be less than 25 characters.

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The media type template is not supported by jio and karix(vendor) but users can send it with Msg91 bot. Media validation is added below.

Screenshot 2025-03-01 at 7.01.04 PM.png


      Required Fields:

  1. Text => Variable supported. Must be less than 1000 characters.

  2. Text to show => Variable supported. Must be less than 25 characters.

  3. Url => Must be string. One variable is supported. Url must start with https or http.


Rich card: Max sum of replies and action button must be less than 4. Must remove required checks from the replies list and from the action list. 

    Required Fields:

  1. Media url => Must be string. One variable is supported.

  2. Replies list => length of every string must be less than 25 characters.

  3. Actions => Must follow action validation described below.

  4. Title => Variable supported. Must be less than 40 characters.

  5. Description => Variable supported. Must be less than 112 characters.


Screenshot 2025-03-01 at 7.04.59 PM.png

Share location

Required Fields: Not supported by Jio and karix

  1. Text => Variable supported. Must be less than 1000 characters.

  2. Text to show => Variable supported. Must be less than 25 characters.


Screenshot 2025-03-01 at 7.06.35 PM.png

Suggested replies:
Max sum of replies and action button must be less than 11. Must remove required checks from the replies list and from the action list. At least one action or reply is required.

   Required Fields:

  1. Text => Variable supported. Must be less than 1000 characters.

  2. Replies list => length of every string must be less than 25 characters.

  3. Actions => Must follow action validation described below.

preview :

It is similar to a text message with any type of action buttons and replies button.

10) View Location: 

Required Fields:

  1. Text => Variable supported. Must be less than 1000 characters.

  2. Location query => Must be string. One Variable is allowed.

  3. Text => Variable supported. Must be less than 1000 characters.

  4. Text to show => Variable supported. Must be less than 25 characters.

Preview: similar to share location only action button icon changed.

Action button validation:

Total 5 types of action buttons are there in rcs chats.


Required field:

  1. Text to show: must be a string of max 25 characters.

  2. Start time:  One variable supported. Must be string and time should be in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ format.

  3. End time: One variable supported. Must be string and time should be in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ format.

  4. Title: Must be string. Variable support.

  5. Description: Must be string. Variable supported


Required field:

  1. Dial number: One variable supported. Must contain digit with combination of + # and * allowed

  2. Text to show: Variable supported. Must be less than 25 characters

Open url:

Required field:

  1. Url: Must be string. One variable supported. Url must start with https or http.

  2. Text to show: Variable supported. Must be less than 25 characters

Share location:

Required field:

  1. Text to show: must be a string of max 25 characters.

View location:

Required field:

  1. Location query: must be string. One variable is supported only.

  2. Text to show: must be a string of max 25 characters.

Upload media validation:

Media url is only supported in three types of templates. As per jio only video and images are allowed

Rich Card:

For image:

  1. Max size: 2 MB

  2. Max_width: 1440 px

  3. Max_length: 770 px

For Video:

  1. Max_size: 10 MB

  2. Max_width: 770 px

  3. Max_length: 335 px


For image:

  1. Max_size: 1 MB

  2. Max_width: 960

  3. Max_length: 720

For Video:

  1. Max_size: 5 MB

  2. Max_width: 960

  3. Max_length: 720

Media: (Only for MSG91 vendor)

For image:

  1. Max_size: 5 MB

  2. Max_width: 1440

  3. Max_length: 720

For video:

  1. Max_size: 5 MB

  2. Max_width: 770

  3. Max_length: 335

RCS Template Limitations
Mar 1, 2025