Transactional Email
Everything about Transactional Email

Note: If your email services are not enabled you will see an error popping on the right side of your screen when you enter the email panel and you won’t be able to see the micro-services on the page. So make sure your email services are enabled.
The dashboard shows you the count of the percentage of sent emails, delivered emails, and failed emails.

In the Template section you will get the information of your email templates like - Template Name, Status,Subject and Mail Type (OTP, Promotional and Transactional).
For adding the email template you need to click on the Add Template as shown in the below image.
Here you can create the template of the email you would be intending to send to your users and check all the templates created so far along with their statuses as active, rejected, or pending.
By clicking on the down arrow under the edit section, you can see all the versions of a particular template that you have created with a green tick on the active one. By clicking on the three dots on the right side, you can see options like duplicate, mark active, and preview.

To understand how to create a template refer: How to create a transactional email template with API Integration detail.
In this section, you can add and delete different subdomains and domains.

It will also show you the delivered, bounced, opened, and clicked rates for your subdomain or domain.

On the top right part of the section, there’s a button labeled “Add Domain”. You can click on that button to add a new domain or subdomain.

The verified domains or subdomains will have a blue tick on the left side of their name.

You can only delete a domain if no emails were sent from that domain ID, only then will the Delete button pop up on the screen.
Note: You cannot delete a domain even if one email has been sent from that domain ID because it will create problems in the reports section.
Domain Settings
Domain settings consist of Open tracking, Unsubscribe Tracking, DNS record section (TXT and MX).

1) TXT is only used for sending emails whereas MX is used for receiving emails.
2) You will have a different key for both TXT and MX.
3) First you have to add your domain name in the Domains section. Then you will register your subdomain name or the new user on your domain.
4) Then you will be given a current value key by the API to verify the user or subdomain in the DNS records section. Copy the given current value and verify it from either your Linux platform or through your domain admin.
5) After you verify the current value from the domain there will be a green tick and it will show your DNS verified.
6) You have to do this process for both TXT ,MX and Cname.

Logs are used to check the status of each email individually.
If the email is delivered the status would be “OK” otherwise it would show “FAILED”.
By clicking on the email log you can check your whole email including the body, the name, and the subject of the email. You should check your email in this section before sending it to the recipients.
Failed logs

By filtering the data with a date range you can see the failed logs along with the reason for their failure, hence correcting the mistake try to send the email again.
So, this was a brief discussion about the transactional email of MSG91. One question which might have popped up inside your head is about security. And yes, everything is secured in MSG91. It provides confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity. Emails are a great way for promoting businesses today. Many of the customers stay updated on the latest news about their favorite things through these emails.

Webhooks are basically automation of your transactions.
You can get individual reports for every email sent through webhooks.
Webhooks also have two types. One for sending emails i.e. TXT and one for receiving emails i.e. MX.
You can just type the email id you want to send the email to and add the body or the template for the email and it's done. It is an automated task and it will give you individual reports for every email sent or received through webhooks.
In a single window, you would see all the data to analyze the emails sent.

In Analytics, you can check the breakdown of the emails sent.
There are three sections. Total, Engagement, and Dropped.
Total section consists of all the emails.
Engagement section consists of the emails that were opened and clicked by the recipients.
Dropped section consists of all the suppressed emails.
You can also export the report by clicking on the "Export" option on the right-hand side.

1. Bounced emails:
Consider this as a bounced cheque. If your account doesn’t have the money required for the transaction to complete, the cheque will bounce. In this way, bounced emails won’t reach the recipient’s inbox.
Bounced emails are of two types:
a. Soft-bounced emails: In soft-bounced emails, the emails don’t reach the recipient’s inbox because the inbox is full and it doesn’t have the necessary storage required to store the email.
b. Hard-bounced emails: In hard-bounced emails, the emails don’t reach the recipient’s inbox due to several reasons.
Either the recipient has put your organization’s email in a spam list or the recipient might have blocked your domain address.
To avoid hard-bounce you have to either contact Gmail and request them to unblock the domain address but this is another process.
2. Failed:
This consists of emails that failed to be sent to the recipient. Either it is the fault of the API or maybe that email address doesn’t exist anymore or maybe that email address was blocked by the domain head.
Now, two interesting options include Opened and Clicked.
You can also check which recipient has opened your promotional email and viewed it.
You can check the number of recipients who have clicked on your link which was drafted in your email template.
3. Complaints:
If any recipient has unsubscribed from your emails and if that recipient was sent any mail from your business domain address then that email won’t be delivered by the API and instead gather up in the Complaints list. To avoid this keep deleting your Unsubscribed list.
Delivered emails will show you the emails that were successfully sent to the recipients.
Email Validation Downloads
Please refer:


All You Need to Know about Transactional Email of MSG91
Nov 18, 2024In this doc, we have provided you with template-based and also without templates.
Video Guide:
To create a transactional email, you can follow these simple steps:
1. Login to the MSG91 user panel and click on Email.

2. Goto the Templates section and click on the "+ Add Template" option.

3. You will get two options to create a template, i.e., Editor and Builder.
Builder is the updated version of the editor MSG91 has for creating email templates. This will not render the coding you have done for your template and will send the exact content to the end user.

Additionally, there are a ton of pre-made templates available. You can utilize our templates and modify them to suit your needs.

4. Enter the template name and Subject and then click on Builder, you will see the following window. Select "Appearance" or "Content". These contain all the required options for the necessary settings to be made while drafting a template. Draft a template of your wish.

5. You can drop the content or type the content, insert an image or a button as per your requirement and once the drafting is done, click on "Preview."

6. If you are creating a template with "Editor," the following window will open. There are
Numerous formatting options are available; for example, you can add a link or upload images in png, jpg, or gif format, which should not be more than 1MB, by clicking on the "insert image" option and then click on preview.
NOTE: We will recommend using the new feature "Builder" to create a template and to avoid any prospective errors.

7. Click on Add Variable to add as many variables as you want, for example, name and contact number in your email template. The back to list button will take you back to the add a template screen, while the "Add Template" option will let you add another template that you have already created. Once you have created a template, click on Preview and then add a template.
Note: Click on Save, enter the template name and subject, and save the template.

8. From here, you may even make changes in the HTML code as per your preference.

If you are set on using CSS, your best bet is to use inline code. This is the most effective and widely used method for including CSS in HTML emails. The benefit of using inline CSS is that most email providers will support this style, which means you’re likely to get the best results without running into any formatting trouble.
To convert your HTML with internal CSS to inline CSS please refer:
API Integration
1. In the Email section only, click on “Domain Setting” on the left side of the Email Dashboard.

2. Copy the APIs and integrate them into your system.

NOTE: In case, you're testing the 'Send Email' API with the default testing domain, use the email address you used to create your MSG91 account as the recipient email address.
How to create a transactional email template with API Integration detail
Nov 9, 2024If email is being received by some specific receivers in the promotional/spam folder, it is not directly in our control. This depends on various factors like -
If the receiver has marked the sender (email ID/domain) as spam/promo in past.
If the sender's email ID/domain is mainly being used for sending promotional emails.
(As a suggestion, you should make different IDs to send different kinds of emails, like - [email protected] for sales/marketing only, [email protected] for support-related emails, or [email protected] for OTPs. If you use the same email ID for all kinds of emails, it may affect your reputation on MX servers, and according to its reputation, this may deliver your emails from that particular ID in the relevant folder of the receiver.)If that receiver is generally not opening your emails and keeping them unread most of the time - this also can affect the reputation of emails from your domain.
It also depends on the mail service provider of the receiver - Gmail, yahoo, etc. Because algorithms are different for different mail service providers.
In the same direction, there can be many more reasons for emails being delivered in a different folder. We hope you will find this information helpful. Please feel free to let us know at support@msg91com if you need any further assistance on it.
Transactional email being received in the spam or promotional folder.
Nov 9, 2024The Recipient Validation option allows you to verify your client's email addresses so that you can remove invalid addresses, increase your email delivery ratio, and prevent your domain from being blocked.
Email validation can be done -
A) Using API -; or
B) From MSG91 panel, as explained below:
1. Log in to your MSG91 account and go to the Email section.

2. Select the Email Validation option in the sidebar. You'll find multiple options on the dropdown.

b) Once you have uploaded the file, you will get the option to provide a name for the file or you can directly proceed by clicking the 'Upload' button.
c) It will show you the detailed stats of validated Email addresses. As soon as you upload the CSV file, the Verification Status will be shown as 'Processing' and in some time, it will be updated to 'Completed'.

b) Enter the email address to verify & click on 'Validate' button. You can also add multiple email addresses by pressing 'Enter'.

c) The detailed stats of validated Email addresses will be visible on the same page.

d) You can also validate the single Email addresses using API, for its documentation, please refer to or click on the button available on the screen.

6. Terminology
By visiting this option, you can access the Email Delivery Status and its corresponding explanation. Each verified email address will provide a result categorized as either 'deliverable', 'undeliverable', 'risky', or 'unknown'.
- You must subscribe to our paid email service in order to use it.
- We recommend you to validate the Email IDs on the dashboard or API to avoid domain blocking if the failure rate exceeds the 3% limit.
How to validate your recipient email address
Nov 9, 2024You can also refer to this video guide
Or you can refer to the following steps-
1. Subscribe to a plan
Subscribe to a plan to enable the Email services in your account. HelpDoc
2. Add Domain
Add your domain to the MSG91 account by which your emails will be sent. HelpDoc
3. Verify Domain
Next, you are required to verify the domain by adding the TXT and MX records to your domain hosting provider. HelpDoc
4. Create a template
Once the domain is verified, you will have to create a template of the content you wish to send in the MSG91 panel. HelpDoc
Once the email template is created and approved, you can use it to send emails in the following ways-
1. Campaign (Multi-channel where you can add other services like SMS, Whatsapp, and Voice also)- HelpDoc [Recommended]
2. Email API (If you have a specific use-case where you want to use the dedicated Email API only and not use any other channels)- API Doc
3. Google Spreadsheet Plugin- HelpDoc
Step-by-step process to configure Email API in MSG91
Nov 19, 2024A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a form of communication between servers used to send and receive email.
1. Log in to the MSG91 Dashboard and go to the Email service.

2. Go to the Domains settings section from the sidebar. Click on the verified domain on which you wish to enable SMTP. Enable the SMPT toggle. Open the SMTP tool and enter the SMTP hostname, username, Port, and password as given in the Domains section. Make sure you are using the authentication option.

Note- If you are using an online tool, make sure to change the password every time you use a 3rd party tool to send email via SMTP or your domain might get blocked if we think we are receiving spam from your domain..
The emails can only be sent from the verified domain/subdomain on MSG91. Once the mail is sent, you can see the logs in the Logs section. They would show the Type as SMTP.

Errors and Error codes that you might get :
535 -
SMTP Service Disabled by Admin. - Admin has the right to disable SMTP Service for users sending a lot of spam mails.
SMTP Service Disabled by User. - Admin has the right to disable SMTP Service for users sending a lot of spam mails.
The domain is not enabled. Please Contact Support.- Domain is disabled due to some reason.
The domain is not verified. SPF, DKIM values must be set and verified on domain DNS records. - SPF, DKIM Records are not verified for the corresponding domain.
Invalid Credentials - Credentials entered by the User are not valid, either invalid username or invalid password.
You do not have sufficient balance for this operation. - There is not enough balance left in User’s account to send emails.
550 -
Invalid Mail From address received - User is sending Invalid MAIL FROM Command.
File extension can be one of the following types: (list of supported attachments). - Invalid Attachment has been sent by the User in DATA Command.
Subject cannot contain inappropriate words - Subject contains words which are listed as inappropriate by us.
Body cannot contain inappropriate words - Body contains words which are listed as inappropriate by us.
Cannot Connect to Server, Please try again after some time. - Some issue has occurred at the mailer server and needs to be fixed.
For IP security features for SMTP service please refer to this article :
How to use SMTP in MSG91
Nov 15, 2024We are pleased to inform you that now you will be able to initiate an email campaign directly from the Email section of your MSG91 panel. Please follow the below-mentioned steps for the same.
Kindly note that creating a campaign from the campaign section is necessary in order to send bulk email directly from the email section. Please refer to the below-mentioned link in order to create a campaign and phone book in Segmento:
How to use phonebook in Segmento
Login to your MSG91 account and click on the Email section, you will see a Run Campaign option there which you can click on.

Once you click on Run Campaign a Compose window will appear in which you can select the phone book / Segment which you have in Segmento or else you can upload a file in .CSV format (File should not exceed more than 10MB).

Once you have selected the Phone Book / Segment or have uploaded the file then you can select the email campaign that you want to initiate from the Select Campaign option, which will show all the available campaigns.

Once you have selected the campaign you can now map the “To” email address as well as CC and BCC email addresses. Also, you can map any variables that you might have in your email template.

Now either you can run the campaign directly or if you want you can even use the “Test Run” option to test it first. Please note that a maximum of 5 dry runs are allowed each day.
Run Campaign using Email Panel
Nov 9, 2024Why Warm Up Your IP Address?
Warming up your IP address helps build trust with email providers and ISPs, demonstrating that your email traffic is legitimate and not associated with spam. This, in turn, improves your deliverability rates and ensures that your messages reach the inbox.
Step 1: Verify Your Sender Identity
Before you start sending emails, it’s crucial to verify your sender identity with MSG91. This step ensures that your recipients recognize you as a legitimate sender
Step 2: Segment Your Audience
Divide your email list into smaller segments based on factors like engagement level, activity, or subscription source. This allows you to gradually increase sending volume to each segment.
Step 3: Gradual Volume Increase
Begin by sending a small volume of emails to the most engaged segment of your audience. Monitor the engagement metrics (open rates, click-through rates) to gauge the response.
Step 4: Monitor and Adjust
Keep a close eye on your email performance metrics. If the initial emails show positive results and there are no deliverability issues, gradually increase the volume to the next segment.
Step 5: Maintain Engagement
Continue sending relevant and engaging content to maintain a healthy sender reputation. Avoid sending to inactive or unengaged recipients during the warming-up process.
Step 6: Monitor Complaints and Bounces
Regularly check for any complaints or bounces. Address any issues promptly and take necessary actions to resolve them.
Step 7: Full-Scale Sending
Once you’ve successfully warmed up your IP address and achieved consistently positive results, you can gradually expand your sending to the entire email list.
Warming Up Your IP Address with MSG91 Warming up your IP address is an important step to establishing a positive sending reputation and ensuring successful email delivery. This process involves gradually increasing your sending volume over a period of time. Follow the steps below to effectively warm up your IP address with MSG91.
Warming up your IP address is a critical step in establishing a positive sender reputation with MSG91. By following these steps and monitoring your email performance, you’ll ensure a smooth transition to full-scale sending.
For further assistance or questions, feel free to reach out to our support team at [[email protected]].
Introduction to IP Warm-Up
Nov 9, 2024To maintain optimal email deliverability and uphold your domain reputation, please consider the following expert recommendations:
1. Preparing for High Email Volumes:
To ensure your account can handle large email volumes, kindly provide us with the following details:
- What is your expected daily email volume?
- What is the maximum volume you anticipate sending per hour?
- Will your email traffic pattern be consistent, or do you expect abrupt fluctuations?
2. Gradual Increase in Email Volume:
When planning to send large volumes of emails, it is essential to increase the count gradually and keep it consistent. This approach helps avoid negative impacts on your domain and IP reputation with major email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook.
3. Failure Rate & Complaint Rate Management:
The failure rate should not exceed 3%, as a higher rate can adversely affect the reputation of your email domains and sending IPs. If this threshold is breached, the system will temporarily disable the domain. To minimize this risk, we recommend using our email validation feature, which identifies valid and deliverable email addresses before sending, thereby reducing unnecessary failures. Email Validation - HelpDoc.
Similarly, the complaint rate should not exceed 0.3%. A higher complaint rate can result in email deliverability issues from Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook etc. If this threshold is crossed, the system will temporarily disable your domain.
4. Targeted Audience:
Emails should be sent exclusively to registered audiences and not to unverified or unknown data sets.
5. Anti-Spam Policy:
It is crucial to avoid sending emails for spam or any inappropriate purposes.
Best practices to increase email deliverability
Nov 8, 2024You can easily create an attractive and engaging Email template for your business on MSG91 using Builder.
Please follow the below steps to create a template using Builder.
- Go to MSG91 Dashboard.
- Open the Email section and open Templates.
- Click on Create Template.
- Click on Start and select Drag and Drop Builder.
You can also choose an existing demo template and customize it to suit your specific needs and brand.

Click on the block that you have dragged and then you will be able to edit the details for the block you have dragged. Please check the image below.

You can also add AMP components like forms, carousels and accordions to your email. To know more about AMP Emails, please visit this helpdoc.

If you still have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected] or at +91 8818888733
Thank you.
How to create Email Template in MSG91 with Builder
Nov 9, 2024Upgrading to a different email plan in MSG91 email services is quick and easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide :
1. Log in to Your MSG91 Dashboard and Navigate to the Email Section -
2. Click on “Upgrade” -

3. Again click on “Upgrade“ corresponding to your desired plan:
4. To proceed, again click on “Upgrade“: Once you upgrade to the plan, you will be subscribed successfully and the charges will be deducted from your MSG91 wallet.
4. Review Subscription Details: Click on “Show details” to know the details of your subscription plan. If you wish to change your subscription, click on “Change Plan”.

If you encounter any issues during the subscription process, you can reach out to our support team at [email protected].
How to upgrade MSG91 Email Subscription Plan
Nov 28, 2024Overview
The IP Security feature in SMTP adds an extra layer of protection by restricting SMTP access to specific IP addresses. This ensures that only authorized IPs can send emails through your SMTP server, safeguarding your account from unauthorized access and misuse.
Benefits of IP Security in SMTP
Enhanced Security: Restricts access to only approved IP addresses, reducing the risk of unauthorized use.
Control Over Access: Allows you to manage and monitor which IP addresses are permitted to use your SMTP service.
Protection from Spam: Prevents malicious users from sending spam or fraudulent emails from your SMTP account.
Steps to Configure IP Security in SMTP
1) Login to your MSG91 account and navigate to the Email section.

2) In the Domain Settings, click on SMTP credentials, then enable IP Security.

Note: By default, IP security for SMTP services will remain disabled.
3) Click on Add IP, enter the IP address and a description, then click Add. The whitelisted IP will now be visible in the IP column along with the description.

Additional Information:
IP whitelisting can be done using CIDR Notation. Refer to this article for more details on CIDR.
If you have multiple domains, you must whitelist the IPs for each domain individually.
Supports both IPv4 and IPv6 for IP whitelisting.
Error Handling:
Once IP Security is configured, SMTP email requests will only be delivered from whitelisted IPs. Any request from an unknown IP will fail with error code 535 (IP not whitelisted). You can review this in real-time response as well as by checking the Failed Logs under MSG91 > Email > Failed Logs.
IP Security Feature in SMTP services
Nov 26, 2024Subscribing to MSG91 email services is quick and easy. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
1. Log in to Your MSG91 Dashboard
Navigate to the Email Section in your dashboard.

2. Subscribe Your Email Plan
Click on the Subscribe option to view and change your current email plan. (If you have already subscribed to an email plan, the "Upgrade" option will replace the "Subscribe" option.)

3. Select Your Plan
Choose from our available email subscription plans. You can view each plan’s details, including the number of included emails, email validation options, over-usage charges, and monthly and yearly subscription options, on the email pricing subscription page.

4. Review Subscription Details
If you are already subscribed to a specific plan, you will see your current plan details. If you wish to change your subscription, click on change Plan.

5. Subscription Details:
Once you have subscribed to an email plan on MSG91, you can monitor your usage and billing directly from the dashboard. Here’s a breakdown of what you will see:
For your reference, we have explained the highlighted points shown in the image below.

a) Plan Details:
You are subscribed to the Alpha ₹7,500/Monthly plan, which includes:
5,00,000 emails per month
5,000 email validations per month
b) Monthly limit:
This section displays the total monthly limit and current usage (e.g., "0 / 75,000 emails used"). You can customize your monthly limits and configure postpaid usage settings to suit your specific needs.
c) Charges Summary:
i) Total Emails Used: Displays the total number of emails sent under your plan during the current billing cycle.
The extra charge per email is ₹0.01.
ii) Total Email Validations Used: Displays the total number of email validations performed during the current billing cycle.
The extra charge per validation is ₹0.15.
iii) Subscription Charges: This represents the fixed monthly cost of your subscribed plan.
iv) Over-Usage Charges: Displays the total charges incurred for over-usage of emails and email validations.
v) Total Charges: The sum of Subscription Charges and Over-Usage Charges for the current billing cycle.
Upgrading to a higher plan will reduce these per-unit charges, offering you a more economical rate on over-usage.
d) Postpaid Deductions:
For paid plans like the Alpha plan, over-usage limits are set by MSG91 and cannot be changed by the user end (e.g., ₹ 10,125). Once you reach 90% of the set over-usage limit, extra charges will be automatically deducted from your wallet. If the over-usage limit has not been reached, deductions will be initiated on the 1st date of the next month, ensuring your account stays updated with usage costs.
Note: No extra usage charges or postpaid usage options are available in the Free plan.
e) Billing and Logs:
The logs section provides a detailed record of over-usage transactions for each month. You can select a different month from the top-left corner to view logs for various months, ensuring full transparency in tracking all over-usage charges.
6. Make a Payment:
For every email subscription, your payment will be directly deducted from your MSG91 wallet.
Additional Information:
1) Subscription Logs:
In the subscription log, you can view the complete details of the subscription with a monthly breakdown of extra usage charges and their respective statuses in the complete ongoing year.

2) Transactions Logs:
In the transaction log, you can view the complete details of your ongoing monthly subscription plan, including a breakdown of any extra usage charges and their respective statuses.

If you encounter any issues during the subscription process, you can reach out to our support team at [email protected].