Integration guides
How to Integrate MSG91 with Auth0
MSG91 has created a one stop solution for all Auth0 users to send Multi Factor Authentication communication(MFA) through multiple channels like Text message, Whatsapp, RCS, Emails and Voice Call. Create Automations like: If the country code is "+34" then the text message/Whatsapp/Voice/Email/RCS will be in Spanish. If the country code is "+91" then the text message/Whatsapp/Voice/Email/RCS will be in Hindi. We support such regional language automations.
MSG91 provides cloud communication services in 190+ countries with robust and easy to use APIs. For any queries, please contact [email protected]
An Auth0 account and tenant. Sign up for free
Set up MSG91
To configure the integration with MSG91, follow the steps below.
Add your DLT details into MSG91 account to create SMS templates.
Create Email, Whatsapp, RCS and Voice templates at MSG91.
Create campaigns and set up the flow of messages.
Add the Auth0 Action
Select Add Integration (at the top of this page).
Read the necessary access requirements and click Continue.
Configure the integration using the following fields:
Enter Authkey in the secret field.
Enter Campaign ID in the configuration field.
Click Create to add the integration to your Library.
Click the Add to flow link on the pop-up that appears.
Drag the Action into the desired location in the flow.
Click Apply Changes.
Activate custom SMS factor
To use the SMS factor, your tenant needs to have MFA enabled globally or required for specific contexts using rules. To learn how to enable the MFA feature, see:
The last steps are to configure the SMS Factor to use the custom code and test the MFA flow. Note: Once you complete the steps below, Auth0 will begin using this factor for MFA during login. Before activating this integration in production, please make sure you have configured all components correctly and verified on a test tenant.
Go to Dashboard > Security > Multi-factor Auth and click the Phone Message factor box.
In the modal that appears, select Custom for the delivery provider, then make any adjustments you'd like to the templates. Click Save when complete, and close the modal.
Enable the SMS factor using the toggle switch to begin using this factor.
Test MFA flow
Trigger an MFA flow and verify that everything works as intended.
If you do not receive the text message, look at the tenant logs. Look for a failed SMS log entry. To learn which event types to search, see the Log Event Type Code list, or you can use the Filter control to find MFA errors.
Make sure that:
The Action is in the Send Phone Message flow.
The secrets are the same ones you created in the steps above.
Your MSG91 account is active (not suspended).
Your phone number is formatted using the E.164 format.
How to Integrate MSG91 with Auth0
MSG91 has created a one stop solution for all Auth0 users to send Multi Factor Authentication communication(MFA) through multiple channels like Text message, Whatsapp, RCS, Emails and Voice Call. Create Automations like: If the country code is "+34" then the text message/Whatsapp/Voice/Email/RCS will be in Spanish. If the country code is "+91" then the text message/Whatsapp/Voice/Email/RCS will be in Hindi. We support such regional language automations.
MSG91 provides cloud communication services in 190+ countries with robust and easy to use APIs. For any queries, please contact [email protected]
An Auth0 account and tenant. Sign up for free
Set up MSG91
To configure the integration with MSG91, follow the steps below.
Add your DLT details into MSG91 account to create SMS templates.
Create Email, Whatsapp, RCS and Voice templates at MSG91.
Create campaigns and set up the flow of messages.
Add the Auth0 Action
Select Add Integration (at the top of this page).
Read the necessary access requirements and click Continue.
Configure the integration using the following fields:
Enter Authkey in the secret field.
Enter Campaign ID in the configuration field.
Click Create to add the integration to your Library.
Click the Add to flow link on the pop-up that appears.
Drag the Action into the desired location in the flow.
Click Apply Changes.
Activate custom SMS factor
To use the SMS factor, your tenant needs to have MFA enabled globally or required for specific contexts using rules. To learn how to enable the MFA feature, see:
The last steps are to configure the SMS Factor to use the custom code and test the MFA flow. Note: Once you complete the steps below, Auth0 will begin using this factor for MFA during login. Before activating this integration in production, please make sure you have configured all components correctly and verified on a test tenant.
Go to Dashboard > Security > Multi-factor Auth and click the Phone Message factor box.
In the modal that appears, select Custom for the delivery provider, then make any adjustments you'd like to the templates. Click Save when complete, and close the modal.
Enable the SMS factor using the toggle switch to begin using this factor.
Test MFA flow
Trigger an MFA flow and verify that everything works as intended.
If you do not receive the text message, look at the tenant logs. Look for a failed SMS log entry. To learn which event types to search, see the Log Event Type Code list, or you can use the Filter control to find MFA errors.
Make sure that:
The Action is in the Send Phone Message flow.
The secrets are the same ones you created in the steps above.
Your MSG91 account is active (not suspended).
Your phone number is formatted using the E.164 format.
How to Integrate MSG91 with Auth0
Feb 3, 2025Start using this plugin, refer to this link to purchase
The post here is a step-by-step guide for you to configure MSG91 in your Cs-Cart account.

Step 2: Click on 'Plus(+) sign' to install the addon, locate the file and click on 'Upload & Install'

Step 3: After installing MSG91 addon, go to 'addon setting' and fill in the required details like sender ID, user ID, password, and service URL.
With these simple-to-follow steps, you can easily configure MSG91 services in your Cs-Cart account to send real-time notifications via SMS.
If you integrate MSG91 with a paid plugin, a first-time purchase will yield you free 5000 SMS credit in the Transactional or OTP route depending on the policy.
For any further queries or help just drop a mail to [email protected].
Cs-Cart- How to configure MSG91 with Cs-Cart?
Nov 11, 2024CleverTap SMS Integration
Please choose a generic SMS connector.
Give it any nickname
Change request type from GET to POST
Add this URL in “HTTP Endpoint” -
In Headers, please add this -
authkey | INPUT_AUTHKEY |
content-type | application/json |
accept | application/json |
This is how it looks in CleverTap 👆
Parameters -
Choose “Type” as JSON
Add this payload as it is and add your Sender ID/Header.
"sender": "INPUT_YOUR_HEADER",
"route": "4",
"DLT_TE_ID": "$$TemplateID",
"sms": [
"message": "$$Body",
"to": [
"CRQID": "$$MessageID"
Enable the “Batch” checkbox and mention “sms” in Parameter Name and “500” in number of times, it should look something like this 👇.
This section was prepared Partners Team: [email protected]:
Hardik Menghani
Tahir Khan
SMS CleverTap Connector
Feb 20, 2025Integrate MSG91 in Clevertap
To integrate CleverTap and MSG91, follow the below steps:
Step 1: In the CleverTap Dashboard, navigate to Settings and click on Integrate SMS.
Step 2: Select MSG91.
Step 3: In the AuthKey text box, fill in your AuthKey from the MSG91 Dashboard.
Step 4: In the Route text box, if your operator supports multiple routes then give one route name. Eg: route=1 for promotional, route=4 for transactional SMS.
Step 5: In the Sender text box, fill in SenderId.
Dwell Time
Minimum gap between two messages across campaigns. Set the dwell time.

Setting up Throttling Limit
Throttling is a process that is used to control the usage of APIs by consumers during a given period. You can define throttling at the application level and API level. The throttling limit is considered cumulative at the API level.

The threshold limit of throttle limit is 60 SMS in 1 sec, which means in 5 min you can send 18,000 SMS and in 1hr you can send 216000 SMS.
Note: If you require to send in more in speed than the threshold limit then, you can contact us.
How to send SMS in Clevertap with MSG91
Nov 11, 2024This process involves the following steps:
Open CleverTap > Settings > Channel > Select “WhatsApp”
Choose “WhatsApp Connect” and Select the blue button “+ Provider Configuration”.

Nickname - MSG91_WA_918889500122 (replace this with your number) ● Mobile Number - Add your WhatsApp Integrated number here with country code. (ex - 918889500122)
HTTP End Point -
Then copy the inbound message callback URL from the CleverTap dashboard and paste it in inbound section of the Whatsapp’s Webhook in MSG91 panel.

Copy the delivery report callback URL from the CleverTap dashboard and paste it in the outbound messages section of the Whatsapp’s Webhook in MSG91 panel.

Add these values under Headers

Add these values
Authkey - MSG91 Authkey (How to get Authkey)
Content-type : application/json
Accept : application/json
Now test the WhatsApp Connector and you are good to go.
Few Points -
Before saving the Connector integration in CleverTap please make sure to enable the CleverTap integration toggle in your MSG91’s account WhatsApp number’s setting then only test the integration.

Mobile number has to be added with country code and without the “+” sign.
You have to get your templates approved on the MSG91 dashboard. Once approved, then you have to add the same templates in the CleverTap dashboard for sending out messages.
To Understand how to Add Whatsapp Templates in CleverTap? and How to Enable Click Tracking? kindly refer This Help docs.
For more information and queries about the MSG91 integration, you can write to [email protected].
Thank you for following the steps!
This section was created by the Partners Team: [email protected]
Tahir Khan
WhatsApp CleverTap Connector Setup
Mar 6, 20251. Signup/Login
Signup or log in with ERP Next and start integrating MSG91 API from scratch
2. SMS Gateway URL
Enter the SMS Gateway URL -
3. Message Parameter
Enter the message parameter as “message”
4. Mobile Parameter
Enter URL parameter for received number as “to”
5. Static URL Parameters
Enter Static URL Parameters values as:
Sender - This is your Sender ID which users will receive. Please click here to know the regulations of specific countries on using Sender ID.
For Example enter ERPNXT
Route - For sending promotional SMS enter the route value as “1” and for transactional SMS enter the route value as “4”.
Country - Enter 91 for sending SMS in India, 1 for the USA, and 0 for international messages.
Auth Key - Located on the MSG91’s Dashboard or Click on API located on the left side of the screen to get/generate your Authkey
6. Unicode, Flash, and Encrypted SMS
Click on the “Add Row” option to send Unicode, Flash, and Encrypted SMS, add these parameters in the code and pass their values as described below.
Unicode - For messages other than English pass 1 else this will be 0. Also, it is recommended to encode the message content when sending Unicode messages
Flash - For sending flash SMS enter the value as “1” else enter “0”
Schedule SMS - To schedule your SMS. You can choose your own time format. Examples of recommended time formats Y-m-d h:i:s (2020-01-01 10:10:00) Or Y/m/d h:i:s (2020/01/01 10:10:00) Or you can use UNIX timestamp (1577873400)
After minutes - You can use this if you want to send an SMS after a few minutes
Response - By default you will get response in string format but you want to receive in other formats (JSON,XML) then set this parameter, for example: &response=json or &response=xml.
Campaign - A campaign name is a Tag given to the messages you sent, for easy management of the reports. You can create a campaign name as per your choice.
7. Save
Save the file and you are good to go
How to integrate MSG91 API in ERP Next?
Nov 11, 2024To integrate with HDPOS smart software, please follow the procedure:
1. log in to your HDPOS software using your Admin credentials.
2. After login, go to the option of Settings and then click on SMS settings.

3. You will get the SMS gateway settings for the API configuration. Use the below API by passing the value of the parameter of the authentication key, sender, and route, and then save the changes.

HDPOS software- How to integrate MSG91 API
Nov 11, 2024To integrate MSG91 API into Marg software follow the below-mentioned steps:
1. Open your Marg software settings.
2. Open your Master's option then click on Marg setups.
3 Then open the control room after that SMS setup.
4. There is a window open after selecting these options, into which you have to do some changes.
5. There is an option of string into which we have to put the string by using the developer tool option into the user's account.
6. Paste the below API in the string:<<1>>&message=<<2>>&sender=ABCDEF&route=4&country=91
There are some other options through which you are required to do some changes that are :- (2) Options
1. MSXML 2. XMLHTTP Win HTTP request
A. In this, you have to select - 2
B. Convert SMS into universal hex code, in this we fill - 1
C. SMS of the bill on new modify and print it and you have to select Y for yes.
D. Another option is for sending an SMS to party balance and bill details it and you have to select Y.
After doing all the changes, press escape and save the settings.
MARG software- How to integrate MSG91 API
Nov 11, 2024Kylas + MSG91 Integration guide
Step 1:
Login to your Kylas account with your User ID and Password. Then, click on Kylas Marketplace from the top left corner.
Step 2:
Click on "All Apps" from the top left corner, select MSG91, and proceed to install the app.
Step 3:
Click on the Account icon at the top right and select "CRM Settings" from the dropdown menu.
Step 4:
Click on the "Automation" button on the left sidebar and select "Workflows" from the dropdown menu.
Step 5:
Click on the "Add a Workflow" button on the right side.
Step 6:
Follow the instructions below to create a workflow as per your use case.
Step 7:
Click on the button mentioned below to open the popup screen.
Step 8:
Click on the three-line icon on the right side and select the "AuthKey" button.
Step 9:
Enter your MSG91 AuthKey and click the "Save" button.
Step 10:
Select the MSG91 Campaign associated with the AuthKey you entered.
Step 11:
Map all the variables according to your campaign and click the "Save" button.
Step 12:
Click the "Save & Activate" button again.
Finally, For Example - whenever a new contact is created, this workflow will be triggered automatically, and the count will increase consistently.
Unlock the Power of Kylas with MSG91 Integration
Transform Your Business Communication:
Use Cases:
Automations and Triggers: Set automations and triggers for all contact and lead stages.
Bulk Campaigns: Filter data in Kylas and run bulk campaigns directly from the platform.
Follow-ups and Marketing Campaigns: Execute follow-ups and marketing campaigns directly through Kylas using MSG91.
Enhanced Multi-Channel Communication: SMS, email, WhatsApp, voice — All from one platform.
Automation: Streamline processes and reduce manual work.
Seamless Integration: Quick setup within Kylas CRM.
Cost-Effective: Competitive pricing with volume discounts.
Insightful Analytics: Data-driven decisions with real-time insights.
Scalable Solutions: Grow without performance concerns.
Join the growing community of satisfied users! For feature requests, visit:
Unlock the full potential of your CRM with MSG91 today!\
Thank you for following the steps!
Kickstart Your CRM Journey
Sign Up Now: Get started with MSG91 by signing up here.
Tech Support: For assistance with integrations, connect with our Support Team here.
This section was prepared with contributions from Partners Team: [email protected]:
Hardik Menghani
Tahir Khan
How to integrate MSG91 with Kylas CRM setup guide.
Feb 3, 2025Tally Prime Plugin with MSG91 Campaigns
Download the files for installing Tally Plugin here. Once downloaded, then follow the steps mentioned below for configuration.
This plugin offers a range of features to help you streamline your invoicing and ledger management processes. In this help document, we will explore the top three key features and their associated benefits.
Key Features
1. Send Vouchers via Whatsapp or Email
Feature: With the Tally Prime Plugin integrated with MSG91 Campaigns, you can automate the process of sending Vouchers and invoices across 7 types of vouchers in Tally Prime.
The seven different types of vouchers in Tally Prime on which this automation is applicable are as follows:
Credit note
Debit Note
Journal Voucher
How it Works: The automation feature allows you to streamline the distribution of invoices for various types of vouchers within Tally Prime. This means you can effortlessly send invoices, whether they are sales, purchase, payment, receipt, or other types of mentioned vouchers, to your customers.
2. Resend Voucher or Invoice Manually via Email or WhatsApp
Feature: Apart from automation, the Tally Prime Plugin also provides the option to Resend Voucher or Invoice Manually via Email or WhatsApp
How it Works: You have the flexibility to send invoices at your convenience, either by email or WhatsApp. This feature is particularly useful when you need to send invoices to specific recipients, or if you want to customize the message and delivery method for each invoice.
3. Manual Sending of Ledgers
Feature: The Tally Prime Plugin with MSG91 Campaigns also enables you to manually send ledgers.
How it Works: You can manually send ledgers to keep your customers updated on their account balances and Outstandings. This feature is helpful for providing regular account statements, financial summaries, or any other ledger-related information.
In summary, here are the key benefits of using the Tally Prime Plugin with MSG91 Campaigns:
1. Customized Voucher Flow
You can create a voucher flow that is custom-tailored to your unique business requirements. Whether you need to send invoices for different voucher types or have specific messaging needs, this plugin offers the flexibility to meet your demands.
2. Resend or Repeat Voucher Flow
If there is a need to resend or repeat a voucher flow, the plugin allows you to do so effortlessly. This feature is valuable in cases of client requests, reminders, or reissuing invoices.
3. In-Depth Outstanding Balance Details
The integration with MSG91 Campaigns provides you with in-depth details of outstanding balances, allowing you to stay updated on the financial status of your clients and customers. This can facilitate informed decision-making and improved financial management.
In conclusion, the Tally Prime Plugin with MSG91 Campaigns enhances the communication and automation capabilities of Tally Prime, making it an indispensable tool for businesses looking to streamline their invoicing and ledger management processes. These key features and benefits can help you save time, improve communication, and maintain better control over your financial transactions.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to integrate Tally Prime Plugin with MSG91 Campaigns and Send Vouchers and Ledgers
Integrating Tally Prime with MSG91 Campaigns allows you to streamline your invoicing and communication processes. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to set up this integration to Send Vouchers and Ledgers:
1. MSG91 Dashboard Setup
Go to your MSG91 dashboard, then Go to Campaign.
Create a campaign based on your usage and select the channels you want to use (e.g., Email, WhatsApp, SMS).

Go to AuthKey in your Username dropdown.
Go to Create an Auth Key, Create an Authkey and copy it. You'll need this key to link MSG91 with Tally Prime.

2. Tally Prime Installation
Install Tally Prime if you haven't already:
Download Tally Prime Rel 3.0.1

3. Download and Transfer Files
Download the four files provided to you at the start of this document.
Move all four downloaded MSG91 files to Tally Prime's File location.
4. Tally Prime Configuration
Open Tally Prime.
Press F1 or go to the Help menu.
Click on TDLs and AddOns.
Load the "MSG91-Prime(10).tcp" file.

5. Enable the Plugin
After loading the TDL file, press F6 or click on "Add-on Features."
To enable the plugin, type "Yes."
Enter the MSG91 Auth Key you copied from your MSG91 Dashboard.
Press Ctrl+A to save the actions.
Close and restart Tally.

6. Alteration of Voucher in TallyPrime
Visit the Gateway of TallyPrime.
Go to Alter.
In the List of Masters, navigate to "Voucher Type."
Select one from the seven types of Vouchers: Credit Note, Debit Note, Payment, Purchase, Receipt, Sales, or Journal voucher.

7. Voucher Type Alteration
Enter the required details for the selected voucher type.
To configure MSG91 messages, click "Yes." This will open the MSG91 Campaign Configurations Tab.

8. MSG91 Campaign Configurations
In the Campaign Name field, select the campaign you created in your MSG91 Campaign Dashboard. You can now launch it directly from Tally Prime.
In the Contact Mapping section, select suitable values from the dropdown list for Field Names and map them to respective Tally Field Names.
For Voucher Data Mapping, enter suitable values from the dropdown list and map the respective variables used in your campaign to Tally Prime.
Press Ctrl+A to save the configurations.

9. Create a Sales Entry and Enter Contact Details
Go to the Gateway of Tally.
Select Vouchers.
Enter Party A/c Name and Sales Ledger. Ensure that your Sales Ledger is checked as a Sundry Debtor.
Make sure when you created Sales Ledger you add your Contact Details,
To do so, Press Ctrl+I to Open Other Details -> Contact Details
List all the items purchased and their pricing.

To Resend Voucher Manually
To manually resend vouchers using MSG91 Campaigns:
Click on "MSG91 Send Voucher" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+B
By following these steps, you'll successfully integrate Tally Prime with MSG91 Campaigns, enabling you to efficiently manage your invoicing and communication processes within Tally Prime.
Here's a step-by-step guide on Sending Outstanding/Ledger with TallyPrime Plugin and MSG91 Campaigns
You can easily send outstanding or ledger information to your clients using TallyPrime Plugin integrated with MSG91 Campaigns. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:
1. Open Ledger List
To initiate the process open the List of Ledgers
Use shortcut: Press “dal” to open the List of Ledgers.

2. Select the Client's Account
From the list of ledger entries, select the account of the client to whom you wish to send their respective ledger.
3. MSG91 Ledger Configurations
Press Ctrl+C or click on "MSG91 Ledger Configurations."
Fill in the respective details and perform variable mapping.

4. Configuration and Mapping
In the "Campaign Name" field, select the campaign you created in your MSG91 Campaign Dashboard. This campaign will be used to send the ledger information directly from TallyPrime.
In the Contact Mapping section, select suitable values from the dropdown list for Field Names. Map these fields to their respective Tally Field Names.
For Voucher Data Mapping, enter suitable values from the dropdown list and map the respective variables used in your campaign to Tally Prime.
5. MSG91 Send Ledger
Now, press Ctrl+V or click on "MSG91 Send Ledger"
This action will open the MSG91 Send Ledger view, where you can preview and add additional details if necessary.

6. Execute the Program
After you've reviewed the information and made any necessary additions, press Enter.
The program will execute, sending the outstanding/ledger information to your client as part of the campaign.
Following these steps, you'll be able to efficiently send outstanding or ledger information to your clients through the TallyPrime Plugin with MSG91 Campaigns, ensuring that your clients receive up-to-date financial details as part of your communication efforts.
Integrate Tally with MSG91
Nov 27, 2024Follow the below steps to integrate MSG91 in WebEngage:
Step 1: Select MSG91 from the List of Available SSPs.
Step 2: In doing so, you will be prompted by a configuration modal. Fill the necessary fields:
Step 3: Add a user-friendly name in the Name your Configuration field for easy recognition.

Step 4: Add API Key from your MSG91 Dashboard.

Step 5: Add the telephone country code of the location to which you'll be sending the SMSs.

Step 6: Enter the DLT ID. (Applicable only if you are sending messages to users located in India via a domestic messaging pipeline. International messaging routes remain unaffected.)

Step 7: Now Click ADD SSP.

Add WebEngage Webhook URL in MSG91
Adding the WebEngage Webhook in MSG91 will enable us to receive delivery status notifications for each user. This includes indicators like the message delivered, failed, and queued.
Step 8: Go to Integration > SMS

Step 9: Click on the three dots in the right hand corner and click on View Webhook URL

Step 10: Copy the Webhook URL.

Step 11: Now go to the MSG91 dashboard and paste the Webhook URL.
Throttling is a process that is used to control the usage of APIs by consumers during a given period. You can define throttling at the application level and API level. The throttling limit is considered cumulative at the API level.
Step 12: Go to Settings>Throttling

Step 13: Specify the maximum number of messages that can be sent per minute, through a running campaign for each channel and click Save.
The threshold limit of the throttle limit is 60 SMS in 1 sec, which means in 5 min you can send 18,000 SMS and in 1hr you can send10,80,000 SMS.
If you require to send in more in speed than the threshold limit then, you can contact us.
How to send SMS in WebEngage with MSG91
Nov 11, 2024There isn’t just one, but multiple reasons to integrate MSG91 API using Socket.
If you are a non-techie, Socket is your savior. You will never have to go to your Developer every time you want to change your SMS or Sender ID.
With Socket, configure SMS in any software like CRM, WooCommerce, Magento, etc.
Socket saves a lot of API documentation reading, and it’s easy to plug already available APIs.
With Socket, you get the flexibility to customize since you can pass multiple parameters.
Learn more about how to integrate MSG91 API using Socket-
Refer to this for integration steps -
Easily integrate MSG91 API with Socket - English -
Easily integrate MSG91 API with Socket - Hindi -
To signup with socket click here.
If you integrate MSG91 via socket, a first-time purchase will yield you free 5000 SMS credit in the Transactional or OTP route depending on the policy.
Why integrate MSG91 API using Socket?
Nov 11, 2024Vtiger is CRM software that helps organizations to keep marketing, sales, and support teams organized, productive, and in sync.
- To know more visit
To begin with Vtiger, you must download a file. Download file by clicking on it.
- Check the steps to configure Vtiger with MSG91 here
For any help, reach us at [email protected].
Vtiger CRM plugin with MSG91
Nov 11, 2024WHMCS is an all-in-one client management, billing & support solution for online businesses. Handling everything from signup to termination, WHMCS is a powerful automation & support tool.
To create an account on MSG91, SIGNUP so that you could start exploring our services. Kindly follow the given procedure to configure and set up MSG91 SMS service with your WHMCS account.
For WHMCS versions 6.2 to 7.4:
PHP-5.4 or PHP-5.5, ionCube Loader 4.X
Download the plugin zip file as per your server configuration
Extract the zip file and upload msg91_sms to your WHMCS root - / Module/ Addons folder
Go to the Admin panel and select ' Menu >Setup >Addon Modules'
Click on the ‘Activate’ button
Click on ‘Configure’ select ‘Full administrator’ and then click on the 'Save' button
Then go to ‘Menu->Addon> SMS Configuration - MSG91’ and fill the required configuration
For WHMCS version 8.0.x, 8.1.x & 8.2:
If you integrate MSG91 with a paid plugin, a first-time purchase will yield you free 5000 SMS credit in the Transactional or OTP route depending on the policy.
For any further help, you can contact us at [email protected].
MSG91 WHMCS SMS Plugin- How to configure
Nov 11, 2024Zapier is a tool that allows you to connect apps you use every day to automate tasks and save time. You can automate SMS services by integrating them into Zapier.
To create an account on MSG91 click here: SIGNUP so that you could start exploring our services.
Please follow the below steps to integrate our services with Zapier:
1) Create an account on
2) Click on this link -
3) Create a new zap by clicking on Make a Zap in the menu on your dashboard.
4) Follow the steps.
5) On the right side when it asks for Action App search for MSG91.
6) It will ask for Choose an Action, select Send SMS and follow the steps further.
For any further help, you can contact us at [email protected].
Zapier is a tool that allows you to connect apps you use every day to automate tasks and save time. You can automate SMS services by integrating them into Zapier.
To create an account on MSG91 click here: SIGNUP so that you could start exploring our services.
Please follow the below steps to integrate our services with Zapier:
1) Create an account on
2) Click on this link -
3) Create a new zap by clicking on Make a Zap in the menu on your dashboard.
4) Follow the steps.
5) On the right side when it asks for Action App search for MSG91.
6) It will ask for Choose an Action, select Send SMS and follow the steps further.
For any further help, you can contact us at [email protected].
Zapier- How to integrate MSG91
Nov 11, 2024You can integrate MSG91 with your Zoho Books (A complete accounting and GST filing solution) to send SMS, Emails to your customers via plugin on targeted conditions like when they place an order, to send invoice, if there is any outstanding, etc.
1. Open your Zoho Book account. Click on the 'Settings' button available on the Right-top of the screen. Go to the Automation option from the dropdown.

2. Select Webhooks from the sidebar. Click on New Webhook button.

3. In the New Webhook, integrate the MSG91 API & add the below mentioned parameters & their corresponding value.

Note: 'mobiles' & 'message' parameter need to be defined separately in the webhook.
Variables need to be replaced from {#var#} to ${CONTACT.CONTACT_NAME} as per the message content.
4. Click on 'Save'.

5. Now, select Workflow Rules from the sidebar. Click on New Workflow Rule button.

6. Enter the details under 'Name your Flow'. Click on next
7. 'Choose when to trigger' as per your requirement. Click on Next.

8. 'Filter the Triggers'. Click on Next.
9. Select the 'Actions'. Click on Save.

10. In order to check if the the integrated API is correct, click on 'Execute' button from the 'Webhooks' option.

Zoho Books- How to integrate with MSG91 ?
Nov 11, 2024Zoho CRM- How to integrate with MSG91?
You can integrate MSG91 with your Zoho CRM which helps you in connecting with your customers using MSG91 SMS. Instantly send SMS using predefined and customizable SMS templates.
1. Open your Zoho Book account. Click on the 'Settings' button available on the Right-top of the screen. Go to the Marketplace > All options from the list.
2. Search MSG91 from the search box. Click on MSG91 Campaign for the Zoho CRM option.
3. You can click to install.
4. Click on Three Dots available on the right top of the screen for configuring MSG91 API.
5. Click on the Settings button enter your MSG91 Authkey and save it.
For the authkey, please refer:
6. For a Bulk Request Click on the Contact > Click on the Select all check box > and click on MSG91
7. Select the Campaign from dropdown.
8. After selecting the campaign map the variable accordingly.(As per your MSG91 Templates)
Then click on the Run button.
Zoho CRM
Nov 11, 2024Zoho Subscription is a comprehensive subscription management system that allows businesses to efficiently handle and automate their subscription-based services.
With Zoho Subscription, businesses can streamline billing, manage customer information, send automated notifications, and gain valuable insights for better subscription management.
1. Open your Zoho Subscriptions account. Click on the 'Settings' button available on the Right-top of the screen. Go to the Automation option from the dropdown.

2. Select Webhook from Automation, and click on the New Webhook button.

3. In the New Webhook, add the below-mentioned parameters like name, and select the module.

4. After selecting the module follow the below steps:
i) Within the selected module, locate the option to add a predefined event.
ii) After selecting the predefined event, you will see an "Action" section where you can configure the specific details of the event.
iii) Choose the POST method from the available options. This indicates that you want to send data to the API.
iv) To obtain the API URL, go to the MSG91 Campaign section and select the code. Once you do this, you'll get the curl.
v) In the header section, include the "Authkey" as the header and its value for authentication.

5. Body:
i. Select the Authorization type as Self Authorization.
ii. Select the raw body type in the Body section.

iii. Now, log in to your MSG91 account and go to the campaign section.
To integrate the MSG91 campaign with Zoho Subscription, click on the code to obtain the curl command.

iv. Copy the highlighted raw data which is mentioned in the image.

v. In Zoho Subscription, after pasting the MSG91 campaign curl, select "text" as the type. Click on "insert placeholder" and choose "first name" as the value type. Finally, save all the changes to complete the setup.

6. After saving the changes, a webhook is created for the selected module in Zoho Subscription, allowing seamless integration with MSG91.
Zoho Subscription- How to integrate with MSG91?
Nov 11, 2024How to enable the click tracking feature in Clevertap?
Note: Please ensure that the click tracking toggle is enabled while creating a WhatsApp template on MSG91, then proceed with the steps below.
Step 1: Navigate to the WhatsApp Channel under the Settings menu in your CleverTap panel, then click on the "Create New Template" button located at the top left.
Step 2: Now you need to select the template type.
Step 3: After selecting the template type, enter the template name and content from the MSG91 WhatsApp section template option. Then, check the button checkbox, click on the "+Button" icon, and select "Visit Website." Next, enter the button text as configured in the MSG91 panel, select the provider click tracking option from the dropdown, and submit the template.
Template Type > Template Name > Enter Content > Select Button Check Box > +Button icon > Visit Website > Button Text > Provider Click Tracking > Submit.
Step 4: Now, click on "Campaign" from the left sidebar, then click on the "+Campaign" icon and select "WhatsApp" from the dropdown menu.
Step 5: Now, configure the necessary details to set up the campaign and publish it.
Step 6: Then, click on the "Stats" button to view the clicks, as shown in the screenshot below.
Thank you for following the steps!
This section was prepared Partners Team: [email protected]:
Tahir Khan