Zoho Subscription- How to integrate with MSG91?
Zoho Subscription is a comprehensive subscription management system that allows businesses to efficiently handle and automate their subscription-based services.
With Zoho Subscription, businesses can streamline billing, manage customer information, send automated notifications, and gain valuable insights for better subscription management.
1. Open your Zoho Subscriptions account. Click on the 'Settings' button available on the Right-top of the screen. Go to the Automation option from the dropdown.

2. Select Webhook from Automation, and click on the New Webhook button.

3. In the New Webhook, add the below-mentioned parameters like name, and select the module.

4. After selecting the module follow the below steps:
i) Within the selected module, locate the option to add a predefined event.
ii) After selecting the predefined event, you will see an "Action" section where you can configure the specific details of the event.
iii) Choose the POST method from the available options. This indicates that you want to send data to the API.
iv) To obtain the API URL, go to the MSG91 Campaign section and select the code. Once you do this, you'll get the curl.
v) In the header section, include the "Authkey" as the header and its value for authentication.

5. Body:
i. Select the Authorization type as Self Authorization.
ii. Select the raw body type in the Body section.

iii. Now, log in to your MSG91 account and go to the campaign section.
To integrate the MSG91 campaign with Zoho Subscription, click on the code to obtain the curl command.

iv. Copy the highlighted raw data which is mentioned in the image.

v. In Zoho Subscription, after pasting the MSG91 campaign curl, select "text" as the type. Click on "insert placeholder" and choose "first name" as the value type. Finally, save all the changes to complete the setup.

6. After saving the changes, a webhook is created for the selected module in Zoho Subscription, allowing seamless integration with MSG91.