Map your DLT Entity (PE) Id with DLT approved Header (Sender Id)

1. Log into your registered DLT platform and copy your Registration/Entity/PE Id (Not Header Id).

2. Then, log in to the MSG91 panel. Goto SMS. 

1. To Edit existing Header (Sender Id)

a. Select the Sender ID section from the left sidebar and click on the pencil icon on the right of the sender id you wish to map. 

b. Enter the copied Entity/PE ID in the DLT Template ID field and click on the Update button. 

2. To Add a new Header (Sender Id)

a. Goto SMS >> Sender ID >> Click on the Create Sender ID button on the top right.

b. Select India as the Destination Country, enter the DLT-approved Sender ID in the Sender ID field, enter the copied Entity/PE ID in the DLT Template ID field and click on the Create button. 


1. If you have still not registered on DLT, kindly register now, or else your SMS will not be delivered. Check this process doc-

2. If you are a Reseller, kindly share this Whitelabel Doc with your clients-
