DLT Content Template FAQs

Q.  Content Template Registration is mandatory on DLT platform?

Yes, Content Template Registration is mandatory, and passing an approved Template Id along with the SMS will soon be a mandatory parameter. Also, all kinds of SMS content i.e. OTPs, Transactional, and Promotional have to be registered on your respective DLT platform.

Q.  What is the format of Variable while applying Content Template on DLT platform?

On every DLT platform, each Variable should be written as {#var#}. If you use any other format of Variable, it will not be considered as Variable and your SMS delivery will be impacted.

Q. What is the character limit in Variable {#var#} while sending SMS?

The actual value of the variable while sending an SMS will be maximum 30 characters, for English and Unicode both.

Q. Any limit on the number of variables allowed in a single Content Template?

1-2 variables are allowed in one Content Template.

Q. Is Brand Name mandatory in every SMS Template, while applying on DLT platform?

Yes, Brand Name has to be included in every SMS Content Template.

Q. How many Headers (Sender Id) can be associated with a Content Template?

Multiple Headers can be mapped against the same Content Template during registration. This might be different on different DLT platforms.

Q. Can a Variable be placed at the end of the Content Template? 

No, a Variable cannot be the last word of the Content Template.

Q. How much time does it takes to get the approval of the  Content Template from the DLT platform?

Due to a large number of requests you may face some delay in approval, however, a minimum of 2-4 business days wait is expected.

Q. Is adding a Brand Name compulsory for all kinds of the content templates?

Yes, Brand Name is compulsory in all kinds of SMS content: Promotional, Transactional, and OTPs.

Q. Getting rejection on a template with an error “wrong content type selected”?

Please note, your SMS content should be applied under service implicit or explicit category only. Do not apply under promotional or transactional categories.

Q. Getting rejection on a template with an error “ Brand name not added”

Adding Brand name in an SMS content template is mandatory and should be explicitly mentioned in the SMS body itself.
Ex: Hello {#var#}
Your order with Id {#var#} has been dispatched for delivery.
Team XYZ

Q. Getting rejection on a template with an error “ No header associated with the brand name” ?

This implies, that you do not have a Header/ Sender Id of the brand name, you wish to have a template of and hence no- correlation can be built.
Ex: If I want to add a template with the brand name MSG91, I should have a header related to MSG91 in my DLT account first, say, MSGIND.

Note: You cannot apply for a template with your customer’s brand name in your DLT account, a new entity registration should be carried out for your customers first.

Q. Have confusion while applying content in service implicit and explicit?

If you are confused in deciding the SMS content category as Service Implicit or Explicit while applying on the DLT platform, then it is highly recommended to apply the Content Template twice, once with Implicit and once with Explicit. Later, if your Content Template is approved from both of the categories, then kindly use the Template Id of Service Implicit only.

Q. What changes are to be done on MSG91, once DLT Content Template is approved on the DLT platform?


Q. My templates are not getting approved on JIO for so long, what should I do?

We have found a delay in JIO's template approval process and hence for future purposes too, we suggest you to kindly do the KYC on Ping Connect and VILPower, they are relatively fast and responsive.
Help Doc: https://help.msg91.com/article/342-dlt-entity-process-post-entity-id-received

Q. Template requests not getting approved on Ping Connect, what should I do?

If your template request is not approved even after 3 days of minimum wait, then kindly share the below details registered on Telecom Operator (DLT platform), so that we can request the Telecom Operator to approve your request: 

Q. Trying to send SMS getting error. It says 'preference not matched in DLT

Hello    We would like to inform you that the error occurs when any Service Explicit or Promotional SMS cannot be delivered to this mobile number due to the DND preference of the end user.   , If you are sending transactional SMS, please check the category on the DLT portal, as transactional SMS content should be approved under the service Implicit category
