DLT registration vilpower
Once you have Registered at PingConnect and added Walkover (MSG91) as TeleMarketer, kindly do the KYC at VIL Power as well. (No need to pay anything!)
VILPower- https://www.vilpower.in/signup/
Process for KYC on VIL Power:
Choose Enterprise and click on next

Kindly fill your Entity ID here (How to find Entity Id on PingConnect portal >> Left panel >> Profile icon) and click on Verify and complete the KYC Process.

Step 3: Add TeleMarketer on VILPower:
Once Registration at VIL Power is approved → Go to “TeleMarketer Request” in the left menu and add Walkover (MSG91) Telemarketer ID (1302157225275643280).
Login into VILpower account >> click on → Telemarketer
Click→ ADD
Add→ Walkover (MSG91) >> Telemarketer ID (1302157225275643280).