How to integrate the Hello-Chat Widget?

Here are the steps to create and integrate a Chat Widget :

1. Go to your MSG91 panel and click on"Hello".

2. Select the Manage option from the sidebar and select the Inboxes section under it.

How to Create Chat-widget 
First thing is to Create Inbox , Click upon Create Inbox .

  • Select Integrate Chat Widget As Inbox.

  • Filling in the required details in the Chat widget , after filling all the details Click upon save and Save the Widget.

  • Click upon Integration and Copy the Code which is going to be added in Header or Footer of the Website

  • Afterwards give some changes in Code according to use-case of Widget 

For example. If you only want to hide the Launcher then Type True instead of <True/False> And rest all Four would be False 

 { widgetToken: "XXXX",

  hide_launcher: true, // override default widget hide launcher settings

  show_widget_form: false, // override default widget show client form settings

  show_close_button: false, // override default show close button widget settings

  launch_widget: false, // override default launch widget settings

  show_send_button: false, // override default show send button widget settings

  unique_id: <unique_id>, // any unique id, could be username, email etc.

  name: <name>,  // optional, if not passed in code, a form will be displayed

  number: <number>, // optional, if not passed in code, a form will be displayed

  mail: <mail>, // optional, if not passed in code, a form will be displayed

  country: <country>,

  city: <city>,

  region: <region>




<script type="text/javascript" onload="initChatWidget(helloConfig, 5000)" src="">; </script> // If you want to load widget with a delay, can pass 2nd param for delay in milliseconds"

Note- Paste the Code on your Web-page's Header Or Footer as per requirement.

  • After that Chat-Widget will get integrated to Your website and after these following steps, Bot can get linked to that Widget  

  • Select the Desired inbox and Click up-on 3 dots and select Bot Settings 

Select the Bot In the Drop down Window

  • Select the Bot and Click upon Update 

  • Bot has been Integrated to Widget successfully .