How to validate your recipient email address 

The Recipient Validation option allows you to verify your client's email addresses so that you can remove invalid addresses, increase your email delivery ratio, and prevent your domain from being blocked.

Email validation can be done -

A) Using API -; or
B) From MSG91 panel, as explained below:

1. Log in to your MSG91 account and go to the Email section. 

2. Select the Email Validation option in the sidebar. You'll find multiple options on the dropdown.

3. Dashboard

This option provides a centralized solution for validating both single and bulk email addresses. Additionally, it allows you to check the percentage of deliverable, undeliverable, and risky email addresses within a specified range.

4. Bulk Validation

To validate a large number of email IDs, you have the option to choose Bulk Validation. This can be done by uploading a CSV sheet containing the email IDs.

a) To initiate the bulk validation process, navigate to the left sidebar and select 'Bulk Validation'. Then, click on the 'Upload CSV' button to upload the file.

b) Once you have uploaded the file, you will get the option to provide a name for the file or you can directly proceed by clicking the 'Upload' button.

c) It will show you the detailed stats of validated Email addresses. As soon as you upload the CSV file, the Verification Status will be shown as 'Processing' and in some time, it will be updated to 'Completed'.


You have the option to download the fully validated CSV file or choose to download the file containing only the Deliverable/Risky email IDs.

The sample downloaded sheet will look like below:

5. Validate Email

To verify the validity of a single email address, click on the 'Validate Email' option. This allows you to check if your client's email address is valid or not.

a) To initiate the single validation process, navigate to the left sidebar and select 'Validate Email'. Then, click on the 'Validate' button to proceed further.

b) Enter the email address to verify & click on 'Validate' button. You can also add multiple email addresses by pressing 'Enter'. 

c) The detailed stats of validated Email addresses will be visible on the same page.

d) You can also validate the single Email addresses using API, for its documentation, please refer to or click on the button available on the screen.

6. Terminology

By visiting this option, you can access the Email Delivery Status and its corresponding explanation. Each verified email address will provide a result categorized as either 'deliverable', 'undeliverable', 'risky', or 'unknown'.


- You must subscribe to our paid email service in order to use it.

- We recommend you to validate the Email IDs on the dashboard or API to avoid domain blocking if the failure rate exceeds the 3% limit.