Jump to Condition in Lex Chat-bot

Step 1 - Click upon Ad​vanced setting in any Intent where you want to apply Jump to Condition 


          Step 2- Enable Condition toggle and click upon Save. 


Step 3 - The window which appears shows : Add condition.

Lets see how to add conditions below.


If, give some condition that from where we want to Jump 
Then, where we want to jump 

Step 4 - Add the details in the IF section .

Note- AND, OR, NOT can be used for combining.

Step 5-  Click upon 
Then, and it will navigate you to the dropdown where you can select any Intent , Specific User input of Particular intent.

You can also close the bot on the basis of conditions.

For instance :- Let's assume the age of the person is feeded 18 by the customer, the conversation will end according to the condition.

Simultaneously we can add any condition and end the conversation.

Note- We cannot add more than 4 conditions in a single Advance setting.