Basic RBM Message and Rich RBM Message:
Difference and Character Limit - Refer to this template guideline  RCS Template Guidelines (1)

Template Rejection Reasons -

We requested Template Rejection Reasons from the RCS vendor, however they are not getting the same from VI.Thus  for now we will get only a REJECTED status without any further info. We will need to handle each case individually upon rejection. To help mitigate rejections, the vendor has suggested the following basic template hygiene practices:

a. Template Classification: Ensure promotional templates are not used for transactional messages and vice versa.

b. Keyword Restrictions: Avoid using restricted keywords, such as those related to profanity, drugs, etc.

c. Cross-Promotions: Do not include cross-promotions, where one entity promotes another.
Following these guidelines should help reduce rejections and streamline the process.

How to change a large banner image In RCS form - 

The form is for bot verification only. Once verified, changes can only be made by the end operator and are time-consuming. Changes are advised only if the banner is incorrect or has not been updated completely.

Is it mandatory to create another account if we want to apply for a different logo or brand name, or can we do it with the same account only? Please clarify and explain the process - 
If only the brand logo needs to be updated (for the same brand name), this can be done within the existing account.

However, if you are introducing a new brand name or logo with a different brand name, this will be considered a new entity and will need to be registered under a separate account.

What exactly needs to be entered in the field Agent Access instructions during the RCS registration process- The process through which the agent will reach out to its users.

Eg: Agent will message first from contact center >> client will then be able to reply using RCS

Certain keywords so that the bot starts working - Hi &  START , this is as per industry standards.

Promo Message Limit - A brand is allowed to send a maximum of four promotional messages to a single recipient ID per month, this is set by VI & Google. 

VI might increase this limit up to 5-7 messages upon their discretion, in case a bot is not marked as spam or blocked by any of the end users.

Image as Variable is not possible - The image will be static only, it is not possible to make it dynamic for rcs templates.  (ops ref -433444)