Schedule SMS in new dashboard

How can I schedule an SMS in the new dashboard? Where can I see its delivery report?

You can schedule your SMS via panel by following these steps 

  1. Compose your message by the regular method by clicking on SMS > Send SMS(New).
  2. After composing your message click on the Schedule SMS button.

3. Select the Date, Hour & Minute according to which you wish to schedule your SMS.

4. Click on Schedule- The balance required to deliver these SMS will be deducted at the same time.

5. Your message will be delivered on the scheduled date and time.

Delivery Report of Scheduled SMS

You can find the delivery reports of your scheduled SMS under the check SMS section > Logs & checkmark the option "show schedule SMS". If you cancel the Scheduled SMS the credits will be refunded to your account instantly. You can also send that message before the scheduled time by clicking on the Send Now button.