Segmento User Event
We are excited to introduce a new User Events feature for MSG91’s Segmento. The user events feature encompasses the actions and behaviors users engage in across various digital channels, including website visits, clicks, and purchases. These events are meticulously tracked and recorded, capturing important details such as timestamps and attributes (such as product information). This data is instrumental in constructing a comprehensive view of user engagement, allowing businesses to better understand customer interactions and preferences.
This user event feature can be implemented on any website using the User Events APIs. Currently, it is readily available through the user panel support in the Shopify plugin and the Hello-Chat widget.
# Shopify User Event integration with Segmento:
Considering you have already installed the MSG91 app in your Shopify store, please refer to the below-mentioned steps to achieve it. In case you haven't installed our app yet then please check this article.
-- On the left-hand side panel, you will find the Segmento
-- Select the phonebook.
-- Toggle the user Event to get started.

Note: You can enable only a single phonebook through Shopify.
Now select the respective phonebook and Click on the filter by User Events:

Filter by the User Event: To effectively utilize the AI Query tool for event data search, adhere to the following instructions:
# Utilize the Dropdown Menu for Key Selection: When writing queries, select keys from the dropdown menu provided. These dropdown menus contain keys associated with specific events.

# Craft Precise Queries: Ensure your queries match the exact event names and selected keys present in the data.
Example Query: "Retrieve data for all those who completed payment-info-Shopify.”

# Optimize Metadata Search: Emphasize the use of dropdown keys to streamline metadata searches efficiently. Minimize manual entry of metadata keys unless it is imperative for precision.
Example Query: get all the order-paid-shopify.products.product_id is 459782

# Leverage Product Name Suggestions: Use the '@' symbol to prompt product name suggestions, enhancing the efficiency of your `queries.

#Create User Event Segment: After applying the query click on create segment option button.

Name the segment and Create

# How to set Automation on Segment: These will be scheduled automation, to hit the campaign set the schedule a time.
Follow the below steps:
1. Click on the create automation button you will get the option to select the segment.

Note: There must be a condition in the segment that says the data should be of last n time interval.
Example: Users who have done any event in the last 10 days.
2. After Validation: Set the desired time zone and schedule time.

Note: By enabling the Run multiple times, you can send the campaign every time a user falls in segment. To avoid the continuous campaign set the ignore time so that it waits before sending another message.
LIMITATION: On running automation if user updates the condition it may run on wrong data.

Shopify User Events data:
Following are the Event Types are tracked from Shopify.
Checkout-started-Shopify: These events get captured when the user adds the product to the cart.
Checkout-completed-Shopify: When a user successfully purchases the order.
Order-completed-Shopify: When the order is fulfilled by the Shop owner.
Order-updated-Shopify: Every time order is updated or goes to the next step.
Order-cancelled-Shopify: When order is cancelled.
Payment-info-Shopify: When payment is made for the order.
Order-refunded-Shopify: When payment is refunded by the store admin.
Order-paid-Shopify: When the amount is received to the shop-owner.
Create-order-fulfillment-Shopify: When Shop owner starts order-fulfillment process.
Update-order-fulfillment-Shopify: When order details are update in fulfillment process
Order-partially-fulfilled-Shopify: When products are fulfilled by multiple vendors for single order.
NOTE: The events will be shown after 10 events are created.
# On Hello Chat Widget the user event can be tracked by mapping the Domain:
Firstly, you need to add the one attribute column in Segmento "Domain" and then need to map same in the extra parameter on the Hello platform.

After adding the attribute navigate to the Hello section >> All inboxes and click on the three dots >> Extra Parameter.

Once you click on the Extra parameter a dashboard to map the domain will get pop-up, map the domain parameter with attributed that we have created.

When the domain is mapped and updated, all the activities of the user will be tracked in the Segmento when we click on the that particular user.

#User events through API:
You can also use user events feature with the help of our APIs for that please refer to this help article.
Integrate the API to seamlessly add new users into specific segment, along with their fields, attributes, and events.
This ensures your users and their events stay updated, enabling the smooth execution of automated campaigns.
For detailed guidance, refer to the API Documentation.
Add API to bring new users and their fields/attributes/events.
This is important to keep your users and their events updated to run automated campaigns.
Here is the API doc -> API Doc