Error Codes for Whatsapp
If there is an issue in the WhatsApp message you sent, error codes are displayed to indicate the problem. You can find a list of all the error codes along with their meanings/descriptions here which help you to correct them.
You can check the errors of the failed WhatsApp messages in the logs and failed logs section of the Whatsapp section.
Error codes by Meta
If your WhatsApp vendor is Meta, please check its error codes here -
Error codes by 360 Vendor
If your WhatsApp vendor is 360, please check its error codes here -
Check your Error Codes
Error codes generated by MSG91 side -
1. 400 - Invalid Request Error
Invalid JSON in request
Integrated number not found in request
Content type not found in request
There is no subscription assigned to this number
Payload not found in request
The recipient number is not found in the request
Text not found in request
The attachment URL is not found in the request
File format not supported
Invalid content type in the request
Key is missing
2. 404 - Not Found Error
Whatsapp not integrated
3. 500 - Internal Server Error