If you are passing Encoded messages via SMS APIs other than MSG91 template (V5) APIs, you have to Enable Decoding settings, else it will affect your SMS delivery.
1. Go to the SMS Service from your MSG91 Dashboard:
2. In the SMS dashboard select the option Message Decoding:
Here you can select the Decoding as per your requirement:
1. Single Encoded Messages:
If you are passing Single Encoded messages, then you have to enable Single Decoding on MSG91 panel; if not enabled, the message will be decoded twice, resulting in incorrect message content.
Example: Hello+User%21+%0A%0AWelcome+
2. Double Encoded Messages:
If you are passing Double Encoded messages, then you have to enable Single Decoding on MSG91 panel; if not enabled, the message will be decoded only ones, resulting in incorrect message content.
Example: Hello%2BUser%2521%2B%250A%250AWelcome%2Bto%2BMSG91%252C%250AThank%2Byou
For any clarifications you can drop a mail to MSG91 Support at [email protected].